Chapter 34

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Shiro and I pulled up in the canal. Music was already blaring from somewhere, and most of the usual suspects had gathered, talking amongst themselves. The Chief's car was parked in its usual spot, with Princess standing nearby, looking around anxiously. When she saw Shiro and I remove our helmets, she waved us over.

"What's wrong?" Shiro asked, putting a comforting hand on her arm.

"It's Blue." She said quietly. "I haven't heard from him since he left work this afternoon. He was supposed to update me hours ago."

"I knew something was up." I hissed.

As Allura was about to speak, I heard the sound of an engine roaring through the canal. A biker clad in black and purple parked themselves off to the side, holding up their hand at Allura.

"It's time." Allura mumbled, looking at the unfamiliar biker – who had to be The Wanderer. Allura walked into the centre of the canal, holding her hand up to silence the gathered people.

"Tonight's city race will be-"

"Wait!" A voice called from behind a parked truck. The Prodigy appeared, his platinum hair shining under the headlights of the gathered cars. "I think you'll want to wait a moment before you make any announcements."

Allura seemed visibly irritated.

"What makes you think you have the right to interrupt an announcement dictated by the Chief?"

Prodigy grinned.

"I challenge Leo. One lap. All-or-nothing rules."

Allura folded her arms. The Wanderer, who had not moved from beside their bike or even removed their helmet, cocked their head to one side.

"Leo has already been challenged tonight. You'll have to wait until next month."

"I think you might change your mind when you see what I have in the back of my van – or rather...who."

He banged on the side of the truck. Two goons dragged out a tied and gagged-


He looked...terrible. His head was all bruised up and his clothes were hanging awkwardly from his body, as if they'd been moved out of place.

"Let him go!" I screamed, bolting forward to where the Prodigy and his goons held Lance. Shiro caught my arm; though with him only having one arm available, I managed to yank myself away. Before I got close, two pairs of hands seized each of my arms. I whipped around to see Zethrid and Ezor, each holding one of my arms.

"Let me go!" I growled.

"Look." Ezor mumbled, nodding towards Lance. Another figure stood behind him, holding a gun to his head. I could barely stop the tears prickling my eyes when I saw his face – James Griffin.

"Leo must forfeit his race against The Wanderer and accept my challenge instead. If he doesn't, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop my friend Griffin here from carrying out revenge against his old friend."

My eyes met Lance's. Even in that situation, he looked calm. He shook his head at me, as if to tell me not to give in. Then I looked at Griffin, who's face was stony and eyes dark as tar. He...would not hesitate to kill Lance, even if it meant he would be punished by the law. I hadn't seen it before, but James Griffin was...terrifying.

I turned my gaze to The Wanderer, who seemed to be staring at me intently. I held their gaze for a moment, until they broke off and walked towards Allura, saying something to her then returning to their bike.

"It seems..." Allura began. "That Leo has a choice to make. The Wanderer will not return to race here again if Leo forfeits...therefore, Leo, you must decide. Will you race The Wanderer, or The Prodigy?"

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