Chapter 15

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I shoved my hands into my pockets as I paced back and forth in front of Shiro's room. They'd taken him for another operation a little while ago, and after I'd heard Allura tell Lance to come to the hospital, I knew I'd need to get away. I was barely keeping my emotions down, and I knew seeing Lance would only dredge them back up.

I remembered back to early that morning, when I'd first walked into Shiro's room.

"I really made a mess of things this time, huh?" He'd said, and ruffled my hair. I'd met his bloodshot eyes, and tears pricked my eyes. I managed to hold off the tears until he drifted back to sleep, and cried into the place his right hand should have been. I barely got the chance to talk to him again before they took him in for his operation, so I was anxious for him to return.

I checked my phone, which was on critical battery – I knew Lance could be turning up any minute, and I wouldn't...couldn't face him yet. I wasn't in the right state of mind to talk about anything, and he had an uncanny ability to make me want to open up.

"Fucking Lance..." I mumbled, crossing my arms and sitting down in the chairs opposite Shiro's room. Fucking...that was what I wanted to do with Lance. I silently cursed at myself for thinking about that when Shiro was unconscious on an operating table. He needed me to be strong for both of us, not fantasising over a hot guy I barely knew.

A few moments after I'd sat down, I felt someone sit beside me.

"How are you feeling, man?" James asked.

I looked to my side; he was no longer wearing scrubs, and instead wore a t-shirt and jeans. His tattoo was visible – it looked like he was taking care of it pretty well.

"Oh," He said, catching me looking at the tattoo. "I'm treating it like you told me to."

"Yeah, it looks great." I mumbled, a little less enthusiastically than I'd intended.

"Did you get to talk to your friend?"

I shook my head. "Barely. He was on so many drugs that he couldn't stay awake for long."

"I figured." He sighed.

"How's your cousin?"

"She's awake. We don't know if the surgery was successful yet, but I have to leave anyway." He glanced down at his hands, where he held his phone. "I know I'm probably just a client to you, but if you ever need someone to talk to about this stuff, I probably understand better than anyone."

"Thanks, that's kind." I pulled my phone out of my pocket, intending to ask for his number, but found my phone had died. "Shit." I mumbled. Now I'd have to go find Allura and the others to see how Acxa was doing. "Well, this is awkward."

"What?" He laughed.

"I was going to ask for your number, but my phone just died." I shook my head. "Seriously, everything is just going wrong for me today."

He rummaged through his bag, pulling out a marker.

"I always carry a pen." He mumbled. "Do you mind?"

"N-no, go ahead." I stammered, offering him my wrist. He wrote down his number, his hands warm against my skin, then shoved the pen back into his bag and stood up.

"I hope everything goes well with your friend."

"Thanks." I breathed. "And thanks for talking to me."

He smiled, inclining his head to me before walking off, slinging his bag over his shoulder and shoving his hands deep into his pockets.

I sighed back into the chair for a moment, then stood up. It was time to brave the waiting room again. I slowed my pace just before I rounded the corner to the main waiting area, where Allura, Zethrid and Ezor sat together. Lance was a little off to the side, talking to a nurse.

Gasolina - Klance Mechanic/Racer AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ