Chapter 32

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I woke to the steady beeping of a heart monitor. My body felt like lead; my brain pounding against my skull like a drum. I managed to peel open my eyes and look around the bright hospital room. My initial thought had I gotten to a hospital? Then I saw Lance curled up in a chair in the corner of the room, a towel over his shoulders and his hair sticking every which way.

I tried to say his name, but all that came out was a rasp. My throat felt like sandpaper.

"Keith..." He mumbled in his sleep, fidgeting in the chair but not waking up. His brow furrowed. "Griffin..."

"Lance..." I squeaked, trying to sit up in the bed. I winced as I caught the IV coming from my arm.

"Leave him..." Lance mumbled. "Don't touch him..."

"La-" I broke off, coughing. The loud noise caused Lance to jump awake, looking wildly around him for a moment before setting his eyes on me, and stumbling over to the hospital bed.

"Keith." He said quickly. "How are you feeling? The doctor said-"

"What happened?" I croaked, pushing up onto my elbows.

"It doesn't matter." He said grimly. "All that matters is that you're okay."

"I'm fine, just tell me what happened." I rubbed my aching head. "The last thing I remember was being at the bar."

"James Griffin drugged you. He wanted to take you away." He said bluntly. "Kolivan tried to stop him, but he got you into his car. If I hadn't..." He trailed off, looking down at his hands, which were wrapped in bandages. Bruises peeked from beneath.

"Lance..." I mumbled.

"I got there in time." He choked, clearly trying to fight back tears. "If I hadn't gotten there in time, if I hadn't been able to save you..." His head dropped to the bed. "I can't lose you, Keith."

Rather than say anything, I reached out and placed a heavy hand on his messy hair. He looked up from the bed, his eyes a little watery.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, holding out my arms. He threw himself at me and twined his arms around my chest, his head resting on my shoulder. "I'm sorry." I repeated.

"Don't scare me like that again." He grumbled into my shoulder. "Idiot."

"Hey, don't think I've forgotten the conversation that started all this." I began, intending to tear into him but realising it was not the time or place. "Did the doctors say when I can leave?"

"Not yet." He said, sitting up and wiping his eyes with his bandaged hands. I reached out to one gently, grasping it.

"How did you...?"

He held one up in a fist, grinning. "Battle scars. I fought off the bastard."

"So you're the angel...." I mumbled, remembering the man in blue I'd seen fighting the other person while I was drugged up.

"I don't know about that." He laughed. "I gave him a good beating, though. Nobody touches my boyfriend without his permission." He caught himself, and turned red.

"So I'm your boyfriend, now?" I teased, trying to subdue a smile.

"Sorry, I know we didn't really come to a conclusion-"

"Lance." I interrupted. "I...want to be your boyfriend now. I always did."

"Wait, seriously?" He grinned.

"Seriously." I laughed.

Before either of us could say anything else, a familiar nurse entered the room. I couldn't decide where I remembered her from, until Lance stood up and smiled at her.

Gasolina - Klance Mechanic/Racer AUWhere stories live. Discover now