Chapter 10

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I wasn't sure what to think when I got a text from Allura after hours. I was even more confused when she asked me to meet her at the old canal downtown, and to cover my face. Still, she'd said it was work related, and that I'd be paid overtime, so I couldn't really refuse.

I heard the sound of engines before I even arrived. The air was thick with exhaust fumes, and hip-hop music played from a car stereo. Just before I came over the ridge, I heard a clear voice call out,

"First up on the Canal Circuit, we have Leo versus Kitten."

I quickly crested the edge of the canal, crouching down to stay out of sight. The canal was full of cars, motorcycles, and people milling about. Right in the centre, two riders were mounting their bikes, revving their engines. In front of them stood a statuesque woman with gorgeous white hair and legs for days.

"What the fuck...?" I whispered. The rider closest to me was mounted on a bike that I would recognise anywhere – I'd been staring at it for the past 3 days straight. "Keith?"

I quickly slid down the side of the canal, stopping a little away from the crowd. The woman looked over at me; her face was covered with shades and a mask. The rider – Keith, I presumed – looked at me too.

Then the race began.

At first I thought he couldn't be Keith, since he showed no sign of recognising me, but he hesitated for a fraction of a second after the woman started the race, before charging away with a roar from his motorcycle.

My chest felt light. Why had Allura told me to meet her here of all places? It clearly wasn't work related, since everyone here looked like a criminal. Was Allura making deals with shady people? Did she need me to protect her?

The woman with white hair approached me, and handed me an envelope with a piece of card inside. I stared at her; there was something oddly familiar about her, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"Wait for Leo after his race." She said, her voice so familiar that it pained me. "White Stripe has been briefed, so he will explain."

She began to walk towards a black land rover.

"Wait!" I barked. "Who are you?"

She stopped, but didn't turn back for a moment. When she did, she lowered her shades just enough to show her dazzling blue eyes.

"Allura?" I whispered.

She winked, then put one finger to her mouth as if to say 'it's a secret'. She then retrieved a card from the driver of the land rover and returned to the centre of the canal.

As if she'd known they were coming, Allura raised her arms up in the air at the same time the two riders came speeding back through the canal. Keith was ahead by a fraction.

I heard whooping from one side of the canal. Shiro stood with some other decked-out bikers, and a couple of hot girls. So, not only Allura and Keith were here, but Shiro too? I half expected Pidge or Romelle to come out of nowhere, or even Coran. It was ridiculous! I still didn't even know what was going on.

Keith hopped off his bike, accepting praise from the people gathered around him before making a beeline for me. I fidgeted on my feet as he approached, then remembered what Allura had said to me.

"Erm...are you...Leo?" I asked uncomfortably.

Keith paused, crossing his arms.

"A- I mean...the woman with the white hair..."

"Princess?" He interrupted.

"Yeah, I guess she is a bit of a princess..."

"No," He added, removing his helmet with a laugh. His mullet danced around his neck, and his wide eyes were ringed with black once more. There was no denying it was Keith now – I felt just as anxious as I always did around him. "Her name is Princess."

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