Chapter 17

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A few weeks passed after the accident. I tried to get in touch with Keith, but he hadn't spoken to me since he told me to leave him alone. Admittedly, I'd been pretty hurt by the whole situation, especially after accepting that I probably had some kind of feelings for the guy, but I just wanted to check in. I knew that was probably what he'd been trying to stop with his outburst, but still. I had a burning desire to protect him, and keep him safe.

Everyone at work noticed that something was up, especially Hunk and Pidge, who'd been badgering me every day. I eventually caved.

"C'mon, Lance." Hunk whined, sitting down in one of the chairs in the break room. Pidge stood next to him, her hand on his shoulder. "We want to help. You can't bottle up your feelings forever."

"I know it has something to do with Keith." Pidge raised her eyebrows. "Did he reject you?"

"No!" I shouted. "Yes? I don't know." I groaned, letting my head drop into my hands. "He told me to leave him alone after- never mind."

"What?" Pidge pressed. "You can't just stop there! We need to know more!"

"If he doesn't want to talk, we can't force him." Hunk said, putting his arm around Pidge. She was pretty small; even stood up she wasn't much taller than Hunk sat down.

"I know." She sighed, perching on his lap and putting her arm around his neck.

"Dios mío, get a room." I groaned. "I didn't think it was possible, but you two have gotten clingier."

"You're just jealous." Pidge poked her tongue out at me. "Your crush rejected you."

"He didn't reject me!" I argued. "He was just upset because...his friend was in an accident. The only reason he was so pissed off was because I stopped him from beating the crap out of the guy who caused the accident."

"Wait, which friend?" Pidge asked. "Not Shiro?"

I nodded.

"Man," Hunk whispered. "Well, it makes sense that he was upset then. Have you spoken to him since? How is he doing?"

"He won't return my texts." I mumbled. "I even tried hanging around by the café, hoping he'd pop by, but he never showed up. It's been two weeks – I'm done trying."

"Why don't you go into his work?" Hunk asked.

"The studio has been temporarily closed since Shiro's accident." I sighed. "Otherwise that would have been my first stop."

Pidge, who had pulled out her phone, showed me a social media post by the tattoo studio.

"Reopening...tomorrow?" I read. I shook my head. "No, it would be unprofessional to just turn up to his work for no reason."

"Then give yourself a reason." She purred, her eyes devious. "Get a tattoo."

"No. Nope. Not happening." I slapped my hands on my legs.

"Why not? You said you always wanted a tattoo. Plus, it gives you a chance to talk to Keith."

"He'll refuse to see me! I don't even have an appointment!"

"I can help with that." Hunk chimed in, grabbing his phone from the table. He typed something in then sent it off, smiling at me. "I just emailed the studio and requested an appointment tomorrow. I debated getting a tattoo for a while so I have the email saved."

"They'll see it's me and refuse."

His phone buzzed.

"Nope," Hunk grinned. "I booked it under McClain, not Lance. You're booked in for 10am tomorrow."

Gasolina - Klance Mechanic/Racer AUWhere stories live. Discover now