Chapter 35

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"Keith, you can be a real idiot sometimes." I laughed, shaking my head. I was about to say something flirty when I saw a familiar face in the crowd. Although she was wearing a mask, there was no mistaking her. "V?" I mumbled, heading for her.

What was my sister doing at race night? I knew she knew about it, but to think she'd actually show up? Before I got too close, I noticed who she was standing with – or, more accurately, stood uncomfortably close to.

"A- Shadow?" I scoffed, and started running towards them. Veronica tried to hide behind Acxa, but I'd already seen her.

"Blue!" Acxa said quickly, grasping my arm and scurrying away from the crowd.

"You're out of hospital? And V, what are you doing here?"

"First things first," Acxa interrupted. "What's been happening lately? Damn, I'm out of commission for 2 months and Prodigy turns psycho...well, more psycho than usual."

"That's not important right now." I shook my head. "Why did you bring my sister here?"

The girls looked at each other for a moment, their expressions unreadable.

"Well, she wouldn't let me come on my own." Acxa said sheepishly. "I only got out of hospital a few days ago. She's way too protective."

"Stop it." Veronica laughed, nudging Acxa with her elbow. "I haven't told him yet."

"Told me what?" I pried, folding my arms.

"Niño..." Veronica began, but Acxa interrupted her by pointing behind me.

"Blue, isn't that Leo talking to The Wanderer?" She hissed.

I whipped around to where she was pointing. Keith was climbing out of the canal, following the mysterious figure known as The Wanderer. I started towards him, but Acxa caught my arm. Her eyes were knowing.

"Leave it." She said softly. "Trust me – they need to have this conversation."

I clenched my jaw, but didn't make a move towards Keith. If he wasn't back soon, I'd go after him. For now, I'd just have to trust that Acxa knew what she was talking about.


I followed The Wanderer out of the canal to where a couple of cars were parked, racking my brain all the while to see if I could remember where I'd heard their voice before. It was unmistakably feminine, but it didn't sound like any voice I knew well. It had to be someone I barely knew, but had met recently.

"So, what do you want to talk to me about?" I asked when she'd leant up against one of the cars. She didn't make a move to remove her helmet, instead crossing her arms over her body.

"I've waited a really long time to come back to this place." She began, her voice brimming with nostalgia. "I grew up here, y'know? Its my hometown. These people," She gestured to the people in the canal. "I knew their parents, their mentors. I remember when the original Chief was still around. Sure, a few of the oldies are still around, but most of them have moved on – just like I did."

"Who are you?" I said quietly.

She fell silent, pausing for a moment before removing her helmet. She shook out her purple hair, her golden eyes narrowed.

"Krolia? From the bar?"

"Yeah." She nodded. "Nice memory, kid." She paused; her face was void of emotion, but her eyes betrayed the pain underneath. She pointed at my belt buckle – it was black and purple with some kind of tribal symbol on it. "Did you get that from Tex?"

"Oh...yeah." I replied. "He gave it to me when I was a kid."

"Right." She smiled bittersweetly. "I...uh...I knew Tex - your old man. I actually gave him that buckle back in the old days. I knew the guy better than I knew my own family."

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