Chapter 24

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As I set up my station in the tattoo studio, I couldn't help but feel anxious for the day to come. James' second appointment had finally arrived, and I hadn't spoken to him since that night outside the studio. Part of me had wondered if he would even show up, until I got a text from him the night before, asking for the appointment time. I'd replied with a short message, then tossed my phone to the other side of the room. I didn't need to worry about James right now – I was too busy trying to figure out how to tell Lance the truth.

I'd caught myself avoiding him in the week following the incident, and had made an effort to talk more, to throw him off the scent. He'd resolved to ask me if I remembered anything every single day. All it had taken for him to stop asking was for me to act normal again.

I looked at the design James had emailed in. It was another spaceship – apparently, he wanted a whole sleeve of the damn things – on a galaxy background. I knew I'd probably only get the linework done in one day, which would mean facing him again in a month or so. I had to clear things up with him sooner rather than later, otherwise I'd be dealing with the anxiety for the foreseeable future.

I heard the doorbell jangle, and started preparing my stool and ink pots. A few minutes later, Adam brought James through to the back room.

"Thanks, Adam." I mumbled. He closed the door behind him, leaving me alone with James.

"So..." James said after a few minutes of silence. He moved to sit in the chair. "I thought you'd probably cancel my appointment."

"Why would I do that?" I asked flatly, turning away to finish preparing my ink.

"I guess you don't want to talk about what happened, then."

My hands froze for a second. So, he just wanted to come right out and say it. Fine, if he was going to be like that, then I'd play his game.

"You did something I wasn't comfortable with, then didn't contact me afterwards to apologise, or even try to check on Cosmo."

"I wanted to give you some space." I shot back. "I thought if I pushed too hard you might not-"

"Might not, what?" I whipped to face him, trying to keep my voice steady even though I wanted to scream. "Not want to be your friend? Not want to give you more tattoos?"

"I'm sorry." He said firmly. "I wasn't in my right mind, and I did something stupid. I should have apologised – I should have kept apologising until you were satisfied. I was just...scared. I thought if I was too pushy, you would push me away."

He wasn't wrong.

"Well, either way, I don't want to talk about it." I said finally, prepping his skin for the tattoo. "After we finish this tattoo, I don't think you should come back to me again. I don't feel comfortable having a personal connection to my client, regardless of whether we're still friends or not."

"Alright." He mumbled. "You could have cancelled today, and you didn't. So, thank you."

I fell silent, getting on with the linework. Just before I was about to finish tattooing the outline, he turned his face to me.

"How is Cosmo, by the way? I hate myself for not asking sooner."

"He's good." I mumbled. It irritated me that he was still trying – I still hadn't forgotten that he'd asked me on a date. He obviously still wanted to pursue some kind of relationship with me. "We decided to keep him, since he bonded to me."

"Thank you for that." He replied genuinely. "Honestly, I doubt we could have found a better home for him. I assume he took to your roommate well?"

"They get along okay." I replied. "He does get a little jealous of my-" I paused, wondering what to call Lance. He wasn't my boyfriend, but maybe lying would be a way to get James to give up on me. "The person I'm dating."

"You're dating someone?" He mumbled, looking a little crestfallen. "I didn't know."

"You never asked."

"I'm so sorry for everything." He groaned. "I feel like such an idiot. I promise I'll keep my distance from now on."

"We're finished." I barked, wiping over the tattoo and covering it. Back at the front desk, I'd just gone through the aftercare instructions and was saying goodbye, when I heard the front door open.


Keith's eyes widened and his face lit up when someone came into the studio behind me. Probably his partner, I thought, turning to the door to see what they were like.

"Griffin?" They said cheerily, looking between Keith and I.

"Lance?" I replied, dumbfounded – and furious. Keith was the guy Lance had a crush on? I wouldn't let that bisexual fucker steal Keith away from me.


"Griffin?" Lance said, coming into the studio.

"Lance?" James replied, his face unreadable.

"I see you've come to the best tattoo artist in town – too bad he's a big old grumpy face." He teased, poking his tongue out at me.

"I hope you've brought beef, Uncle Lancey Lance." I shot back. I'd just lied to James that Lance was my fucking boyfriend, and now they were both in the same room – and appeared to know each other.

"Yeah, he's great." James replied, squaring up to Lance. "I guess you're here for a tattoo too, then?"

"Nah," He batted the air. "I'm here to hang out with Keith's doggo. I need to make him like me."

"He likes you enough." I sighed.

"Everyone likes me." Lance complained. "That dog and his attachment to you are ruining my perfect likeability track record."

"That makes no sense, Lance." I groaned. "See you next time, James. Come on, Lance."

We turned away from the door and headed towards the back door to the stairwell. I couldn't help but feel like James was staring after us.

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