Chapter 25- Concussion watch

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*A few days after the ordeal*

"I can't believe he let you stay in the holding cell overnight," Joey cackled.

We were all in the living room, I was finally allowed to watch Tv again and the boys were inside watching sports. After the detox I had this was worth it. 

"It was horrible," Marcus said, "An open cell with one toilet, I couldn't take a shit all night."  

"I pissed in front of a homeless man, I swear he was staring at my dick," 

"Language," Leo nodded towards me.

"I've heard it all before," I rolled my eyes, "You deserve everything you got asshole." 

The fact that my brothers thought "kidnapping" me was even in the SLIGHTEST an okay idea was beyond me. All day I had been giving attitude and returning their comments with hostile remarks, I had been stuck on concussion watch for three days and I had built up all the comebacks and arguments in my head, I was just waiting to unleash them on whoever tested me first. 

The night it happened I was too tired and out of it to get angry or have really any reaction at all, but the next morning, after sleeping off most of the grogginess I was hit with a wave of realization of what the hell actually happened to me.

*When Marcus and Melvin came home*


"Lydia stop!" Joey ran and tried to hold me back.

"WHO THE FUCK KIDNAPS THEIR SISTER! THEIR FUCKING SISTER?" I grabbed the nearest weapon I could find, a long umbrella leaning against the wall.

I swung in a sweeping motion and Joey jumped back. I stumbled a little, I was still off balance from the blow to the head the night before.

"Lydia I'm sorry," They looked disheveled, tired, and their clothes were wrinkled and dirty. I of course still had no sympathy for either of them.

"SORRY DOESN'T FUCKING CUT IT" I swung again, this time i made contact with Marcus' rib cage.


"Lydia give me that," Joey came behind me calmly.

"Stay away from me!" I snapped, "No one touch me!" 

"Let her be," Felix said. 

"Go ahead Lyd," He nodded.

"Idiots," I said through gritted teeth, my head began to throb. I closed my eyes to block out the overwhelming situation. 

"She needs to lay down she has a concussion," Leo said softly.

"Let her get it out of her system and then," Felix grinned. Since when was he all for me beating the boys?

"I'm tired," I said and Joey took the umbrella out of my hand and gently led me away from the situation. I turned around, my head was killing me. All the lights seemed like they were fuzzy and extra bright, every sound made me flinch because of how sensitive my ears felt. 

I retired into my cave where I had to stay for 3 days without any stimulus at all. 

*Day 1*

I layed down and closed my eyes.

"Are you allowed to sleep?" Joey asked nervously.

"What?" I asked

"Because you can fall into a coma, or something like that. It's a traumatic brain injury. Where your brain shakes quickly back and forth." 

"Joey stop googling shit." I rolled my eyes. "Ow." that hurt. 

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