Chapter 4- The Big Reveal

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Joe and I were sitting on my bed playing cards trying to tune out the yelling happening downstairs.

Tonelli arguments got pretty bad if not resolved quickly, this clearly would not be resolved soon as the yelling only got louder when my parents came home.

My father never yelled but on the rare occasion that he did we knew it was bad. I could hear his soft but domineering tone as well as my mothers breathless voice ushering my aunt and uncle to their guest room.

"Do you think Dad's gonna yell? 7?" Joe pondered, searching his cards.

"No, go fish,"

"Are you sure?" Joe insisted, the kid wouldn't shut up.

"Joey the point of this game is to not talk about downstairs," I threw down my cards, it was pointless, I was dying to know what was happening.

I walked to the edge of the hall, leaning to hear what was being said.

I could faintly hear Greg's voice, Felix silent, I could picture his face calm and calculating, always picking his battles carefully.

Felix always won, and he would never enter an argument unless he knew he could win. If he didn't speak up against my father that could be a good sign.

I could tell my father was reasoning with Greg by his tone, but I guess he said something offensive to them because Felix just snapped, his words were clear this time.

"Don't you dare throw that in Greg's face, if it weren't for you none of that would have happened. There's no more room for your fake ass parenting, I take care of Greg, and I take care of Lydia, don't you dare bring that bullshit up!" Felix roared.

"Felix," I heard Leo's soft voice try and calm Felix down.

I heard loud footsteps and the door slam, shaking the whole house.

I turned with a confused on my face, only to meet Joseph's equally as confused face.

"What did Greg do?" I wondered.

"I don't know,"

"Of course you don't know, if I don't then you definitely don't," I walked passed him into my room and straight to my window facing outdoors.

I wanted to know who had stormed out, I had a pretty good guess but I wanted to be positive it was Felix.

Sure enough it was my irrationally angry brother Felix, vigorously searching for a for a lighter to light the cigarette in his mouth.

"Ugh he's smoking," I said to Joe when he walked in. Joseph wrinkled his nose, no one was fond of the habit he had picked up in his teenage years.

"So he's really stressed out,"

"Well no duh, but we need to find out what Greg did,"

"I do know a lot of things Lydia, you may think I don't but I do," Joe insisted, clearly offended by my earlier remark about him not knowing anything.

"I'm sure you do Joe but now we have to think what Greg could have done that dad would just throw in his face like that." I placated.

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