Chapter 42- Graduation

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Happy Reading :) (This is the last chapter)

"Marcus Tonelli."

Our section erupted, drawing attention from the whole crowd. Marcus grinned and waved.

"Theodoro Tonelli." 

Even more screams. My throat was raw and my ears were ringing. Melvin began honking the airhorn. 

"Hey!" A security guard shouted and began walking towards us. 

"Bye ma-" Melvin immediately slipped through the bleachers and hit the ground running.

"Eh! Melvin?" My mom looked around franticly.

"He jumped down Mama," I laughed. 

"We're at the top of the bleacher!" she was terrified.

"Your son is a delinquent he does this a lot." 

After the ceremony we went down to the field and took lots of pictures  we walked back to the car where Melvin was hiding in. 

"Big brother." He smiled when Marcus hopped in.

"You missed pictures." Marcus glared at him.

"I'm sure Ma will make me take 100 more at the house." 

We went back to the house and the "celebration" commenced. We took a million pictures, danced, ate a lot of food, catered by the Tonellis. 

Lexi hung out with me for most of it, we talked when we had a chance about Damon. When I thought of Damon I felt a heavy sinking feeling on my chest, I knew this feeling would last a while but I didn't want to feel this way all night so I changed the subject after a little. 

 I wanted to focus on what the next two years of my life were going to look like before I graduated. 

Where was I going? What was I doing? Greg was the only one who has gone to college in my family, going to community college and starting the transfer process. 

I thought to myself that in order to truly gain independence I would have to move somewhere far. Greg planted the seed in my mind that I could go off to a different state and experience new things. I didn't know how my family would take it, my guess was not well. Moving away from the family, some place they couldn't control me. 

I had to introduce it in baby steps, join a club, talk to a counselor, apply for scholarships and financial aid. Set it up now so that when the time  comes they can't say no. I'll be 18.

I put those thoughts to the back of my mind and tried to enjoy the moment. 

"Melvin is so hot." Lexi sighed dreamily.

"Lexi, I know I'm cool with it but I'm not that cool with it." I stepped away from her and she laughed.

"So how was seeing Damon." She asked.

"It was fine, just sad." I said and left it at that. I didn't want to share Damon's vulnerable moments with Lexi, and I didn't want her to report back to Melvin. It kind of sucked that I felt like I couldn't trust my best friend, but there was nothing I could really do about it.

 All of my brothers were curious as to what me and Damon talked about behind the bleachers, and I didn't want to give them that. 

The only person who kind of knew was Joey and he was too busy bleaching his eyeballs to share.

The night went on and people filtered in and out, some after their own parties and celebrations. My mom stayed busy refilling bowls and platters and I helped her. 

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