Chapter 22- The Walk

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Joseph's words rang in my head. Was I showing that I didn't want to be a Tonelli? I certainly didn't think so but if Joe had come to that conclusion I'm sure the rest of them would as well. 

I closed the door to my room hoping it would stop anymore unwanted visitors from dropping by, but without a lock on the door I was really at the mercy of whoever wanted to come in.

This sucked, again I was in a household that was angry with me. Sitting in Damon's car set off everyone, even Marcus who was halfway on my side only weeks ago. 

I had gotten him to admit even he didn't know why he was stopping my happiness.

"But honestly Lydia, if this guy makes you happy I don't know why I would keep you from that," My jaw dropped.

Was he saying what I think he was saying? Had this event broken down his harsh walls?

"I need Felix to come home, I honestly don't know what I'm doing anymore. I'm not responsible enough I'm a fucking failure," Marcus put his head in his hands.

Leaving with Damon was clearly a tipping point that threw him totally on the side of Felix and Greg. 


It was Damon texting me, speak of the devil.


So you're still alive I see


Sorry :(

Don't worry about it, I have some cool news though, about my little cousins from Italy

Tell me about it, I'll pick you up

I'm already in enough trouble lol 

Eh, it cant get any worse

I actually think I'm gonna take a walk today :)

Be safe!

I used to walk everywhere when I was younger, especially in the days before I had a drivers license. I would walk to the park by my house or the liquor store for snacks and ice cream. I would usually go with two of my henchmen, usually Melvin or Joey who were close to my age and also didn't drive. That was before, back when my brothers saw me as another brother and not a girl.

Especially in middle school when Lexi would sleepover we would walk to the corner store and buy snacks for a movie night. Then boobs happened and that kind of ruined my fun active life as Lydio the fifth Tonelli brother. 

I put on some loose yoga pants and a t-shirt. I slipped on my nikes and grabbed my headphones. I was ready to get out into the fresh air before it got too dark to walk alone.

I bounced down the stairs two at a time hoping I would go too fast for anyone to stop me. Leo and Greg were drinking coffee at the couch watching some sports game. Joe was studying,  most likely Melvin and Marcus were outside playing soccer, I could hear them cussing at each other. My parents had gone to the house nextdoor with my aunt and uncle and Felix was probably in his room, stewing. 

I walked towards the door casually to avoid questioning, but of course, there was questioning.

"Where are you going?" Leo asked setting his coffee down. 

"For a walk," I smiled. 

"No she's not," Greg said to Leo before turning to me, "No you're not."

"Oh you're talking to me now?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You were disrespectful today and you're not leaving the house."

"Leo can you please tell dear Gregory it is a free country and I can go for a walk if I want to go for a walk."

"Watch it!"

"You watch it"! 

"Both of you calmare!" Leo was frustrated, "Lydia its going to get dark soon why are you going for a walk?"

"I haven't been in a while and I don't want to be cooped up in a house with people who hate me. I just want to walk for like 30 minutes and clear my head." 

"Cosa sta dicendo "clear my head", if it gets any clearer there won't be anything in it." what is she saying "clear my head" Greg muttered.

"Take Melvin or Marcus with you." 

"They both hate me I'm not going with them," I huffed.

"They're your brothers they don't hate you, get that word out of your vocabulary." He rolled his eyes.

"I think Mickey's next door I'll grab him and go," total lie. I wasn't going to grab  anyone but saying I would made Leo relax and I was able to slip out with minimal bitching from Greg. I walked down my street. 

*Leo's pov*

"You know she's not gonna get Mickey right?" Greg sighed.

"Obviously. Marcus! Melvin! Vieni qui!"  I yelled to the two boys outside.

"Huh?" They panted when they they finally came in.

"La sorella sta andando a fare una passeggiata. Go follow her make sure she doesn't get into trouble." 'Sister is going for a walk' I said. 

"You let her leave the house and now we have to go after her?"  Melvin complained.

I turned towards him and gave him a my best 'It is dangerous to continue talking' look. He got uncomfortable and visibly shrunk. 

"We'll go," Marcus said, elbowing Melvin. They walked out, grabbing  keys before they left.

I turned to Greg and we both laughed. It was always fun scaring the younger brothers. Out of all the brothers I know I'm considered the softer one, before going to Felix they come to me because I don't have a temper and I'm nice.

I don't mind being the nice brother, I like it in fact, my siblings are very open to me because of it. But that's not to say I don't like scaring the shit out of them when I have the chance. Sometimes it's scarier when I get angry because it doesn't happen often. 

Keeps them on their toes.

The night Melvin split Lydia's lip was quite possibly my favorite, let's just say that night Melvin thought he was gonna swim with the fishes. A story for another time.

*Marcus's Pov*

"Why would they even let her out?" Melvin was pissed, "If it were up to me she would be locked in her room."

"Well it's not up to you so shut up," I was sick of hearing his constant bitching.

"Whatever man."

"We're just gonna drive up behind her and make sure she's alive." I rolled my eyes and put the key in the ignition. 

"So we're gonna stalk Lydia like a couple of creeps, as if I didn't have anything better to do." He huffed.

"Yeah jerking off in a sock is so much better than this huh?" I grinned

"Shut the fuck up!" He socked me and I cracked up. 

Melvin was still pissed and I couldn't help cackling to myself while he stayed silent and turned his head out the window.

I found where Lydia was walking and I parked, her sloth ass wouldn't get too far too fast so we were in a good spot. 

After five minutes of silents Melvin turned to me and said, 

"We really do look like a couple of creeps you know that right, like kidnapper creeps."

His eyes lit up and I felt an imaginary Light bulb flash above my head, by Melvin's sly smile I could tell we were both thinking the same thing. 

I'm actually super excited to write the next chapter I think it's gonna be hilarious and fun to write. Next update will be faster :)

On an unrelated note has anyone had a concussion before, and can you describe to me what you experienced during and after :-) 

Also I will reveal soon what happened to Melvin, cuz that is also super fun and I can't wait to share that. 

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