Chapter 5- Wall Ball

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Melvin and I staring eachother down was indeed almost too familiar. Only this time he didn't know what I had against him.

"What?" He snapped when I took too long to speak.

"Oh I'm sorry do you not like it when I stop speaking, because down there you told me to shut up." I decided attitude was the way to go while battling my brother.

"Don't throw stupid shit in my face, you have something to tell me, what is it?" He changed the subject.

"Wait a minute you had something to talk about too, you came to my room first so what were you looking for?"

"I wanted to see if you were okay," He looked down.

"Really?" I asked softly and smiled.

"No you idiot I'm here to take this, Felix isn't here but you're still not getting this back," He snatched my phone and smirked.

"You asshole!" I yelled.

"Watch it," He raised his finger threateningly.

I smacked his hand away and he grabbed my hand, spinning me and putting me into a choke hold.

"Don't forget who you're dealing with little sister," He sneered as I struggled to get out of his grip.

"A guy who hooked up with my best friend?" I coughed.

"What?" He immediately released me and his face was so amusingly shocked I almost forgot to gasp for air.

"You heard me, I know about you and Lexi, I can't believe you Melvin, how could you have kept that from me?" I was leaned over clutching my neck. When I felt normal again I backed up a safe distance and stood with a smug smile on my face.

"How did you find out?" He barked when he finally regained the ability to form sentences.

"Not important," I was protecting Joe, he didn't need to get involved, "Answer my question."

He eyed me warily, clearly not liking this new tone of confidence, and the fact that I seemed to know more than he did.

"We're not exactly open with each other if you haven't noticed," He scoffed and leaned on my desk.

"Who's fault is that?" I snapped.

If it wasn't for their harsh behavior and strict brotherness I would have told Melvin everything.

"Don't give me that,"

"I'm serious Melvin, I would love to tell you about all the things going on in my life, you of all people would be the first to know," I was glad we were getting this out in the open.

"Marcus may have gone soft but I won't, it was my fault that you ended up with Damon, and how Ronnie turned out and I won't let anything like that happen again. I won't fail again Lydia," He said in an eerie soldier like voice.

"You can't keep blaming yourself for that Melvin, you're starting to scare me. Felix can't control you, just because you go against him doesn't make you a bad person," I knew Felix had a hold on him, Greg too, I just had to find a way to pull him away from the crazies in my family.

"I can blame myself Lydia, and Felix isn't controlling me, he's right about everything and it wouldn't hurt to listen to him once in a while," Melvin insisted.

"Lydia he's not gonna listen, just forget it," Joe tugged on my arm, trying to get me to leave the room, but no way was I leaving, this was my room and my argument, I was going to get my point across even if it meant another brawl.

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