Chapter 9- Breakthrough

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I walked down the stairs slowly, going over what I had to say to Felix.

We had to talk things through, I couldn't live like this, without Netflix, without my friends, and especially without the trust of my family.

Everyone was cleaning up breakfast, the guys were going outside, probably to go swim, which was really stupid based on the weather but they clearly had to show off their manliness to each other.

The table had been cleared, and the only people still at the table were Felix and Leo. My parents had gone out with my aunt and uncle.

Felix's head snapped up as soon as I walked in and I almost lost my courage.

"Can I talk to you Felix?" I mumbled. Why was I so bold with others but when it came to him I was a kid again, shy and uncertain.

"Sure," I looked at Leo, hoping he would get the hint and leave.

"Fine," He conceded, and got up. He walked past me and ruffled my hair. His small way of showing support.

"Lydia," Felix nodded to the seat next to him, the one usually occupied by Leo.

I didn't speak for a little and I saw his thoughtful eyes impassively observing me. They weren't filled with anger, just indifference, but slightly warmer. I guess that was all I could expect from him.

"You have something to say," I nodded silently, "Don't slouch, straighten up, speak up. I told you this a million times Lydia, that's the only way you're gonna get ahead in life."

His little reprimands were his way of being loving, it gave me hope that he didn't hate me. His way of showing love was picking at your flaws until you were good enough for the world. Messed up but that was his way.

"I'm sorry for not telling you about my boyfriend." I said, wording it carefully, I wasn't sorry I had one, just that I kept it from them. He nodded, as if expecting me to go on, "I'm sorry I was rude to you this morning."

I spit out the last one grudgingly, Tonelli's were known for their pride and severe stubbornness. That family trait didn't skip me.

"Okay," He nodded.

"Okay?" What was that supposed to mean?


"So, now what? Where do we go from here?" I asked.

"You're still grounded."

"That's not fair!" I felt my chest tightening, I wasn't expecting that, "I apologized what more do you want?"

I never thought there would come a day I couldn't get out of a punishment. Even throughout my whole ordeal with Damon my brothers found a way to forgive me. The thought of not going back to normal scared me to my core.

"Life isn't fair," His voice was raising, not a good sign but I was done, I had apologized and he didn't care.

"How could you do that to me Felix? I'm your sister, brothers don't ground their sister's that's not how it works!" I was trying to get him to give me more than two worded answers.

"Lydia you did something wrong I had to handle it!" He spit. We had both risen now yelling from opposite sides of the table.

"Anyone could have handled it, why does it matter?" I shouted.

"It's my JOB!"

"Why do you care so much?!" I yelled.

"You should have came to me and told me!" He shouted fiercely.

"I couldn't do that!" I was on the verge of tears, how could he think I could ever come and talk to him?

"Yes you could! You come up to me and say Felix I didn't something stupid and I need to fix it! I could have helped you Lydia! If you just talked to me!"

"How could I?" I finally broke down. Tears running down my face. How could I tell him anything when I felt so trapped all the time.

I turned around and ran up the stairs. He was following close behind, before I could close the door he burst through it angry but waiting for me to speak.

I was almost histerical, kicking my trash can over, when that wasn't satisfying enough I went to my desk and began picking up and throwing my picture frames, binders, anything I could find, at the wall.

Felix grabbed my arms and brought them to my sides tightly, not letting me move for more.

"Talk to me Lydia," His voice had a gentler tone.

"That's just it Felix I can't talk to you," I sobbed into his shirt, "I can never talk to you, you're my big brother and I can't talk to you," The words made me sob harder and harder, the realization that I couldn't talk to my brother was terrifying.

"Okay, okay, calm down," He said soothingly rubbing my back.

"You h-hate me," I wailed like a child, I couldn't control it I had never felt this emotional before, "You hate me!"

"I could never hate you sorellina, shh, calm down," he gently sat me down on the bed and put his arm tightly around me, rubbing my arm as I sobbed into his chest.

I calmed a little and sat up straight wiping my eyes. Waiting for Felix to scold me for crying.

But his harshness never came. What he said surprised me.

"Why do you feel you can't talk to me Lydia?" His brow was furrowed and he clearly didn't understand his own personality.

"Because all you do is get angry at everything! Everything is always wrong and bad and I can't talk to you about anything!" I said frustrated. I fought the tears bubbling up against the surface.

"I only get mad when you do something stupid," he argued.

"Everything I do is stupid! Every goddamn thing I do is stupid in your eyes Felix! I can't tell you anything because I'm just one big failure!" I covered my face with my hands.

"You think that's what I think of you?" His voice was shocked and he pulled my hands down.

I nodded my head.

"Lydia I think you're the least failure in our family, I admit I might be hard on you at times but that's just because I want you to be successful in life, you and Joey have the best chance at not screwing up,"

I was surprised, I didn't think that's what he thought of me at all.


"Yeah kid," He smiled sadly.

"Well a lot of times it doesn't feel that way," I persisted.

"I'll make an effort to be more open minded when you talk to me,"

"And I'll make an effort to talk to you more," I smiled.

"So after you go out with your cousins, you can come home and we'll discuss what happens next," He kissed my forehead and I was relieved.

He was letting me go out with my family, and when I came back we were gonna talk again, hopefully about reversing my punishment.

"Thank you Felix,"

"I'd do anything for you kid, La Famiglia e tutto."

I hope you loved it, I know I did, this was especially fun to write, I was getting super emotional as I was writing. 

I really like the Felix Lydia breakthrough, more of their bonding is to come. Also cousin bonding is coming up, I really want to introduce their characters, send me more ideas of who you think they'd be :) Love you all <3

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