Chapter G

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Every year I protest, I march with millions of people all around the world because...

Today, April 24th, marks the 101st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide of 1915. The Armenians living in Turkey and living in Western Armenia were all "relocated" to a desert where they were sent to die, 1.5 million Armenians died, either from starvation, dehydration, drowning, burning, hanging, shooting, being buried alive, disease, suicide, rape, and murder. 

This was all committed by the Ottoman Empire of Turkey.

April 24th is the day they rounded up all the intellectuals and leaders of our communities. Without those people we would be unable to fight back. This was their intention.

The men were slaughtered immediately so that they would be unable to protect their families, those men who stayed alive only did so either because of disguise, or out of sheer luck. The women were picked out and raped brutally. The babies were drowned, and those children who were lucky enough to survive were left orphaned in the harsh world.

Many parents gave their children to Turkish families to save their lives by pretending to be Turkish. They faced so much trauma that they just assimilated into Turkish families and that is why today there are many Turks who are part Armenian and they don't even know.

2/3 of the Armenian population was eliminated, today only a tenth of what our country used to be stands. This is why we demand justice from Turkey, we want our land back, we want our homes and churches and mountains back where they belong.

The Turkish Government of the past is responsible for the Genocide, however the present Government continues to deny the genocide. They brainwash their people into believing lies vs documented proof! They spread propaganda such as "" where they have no facts to back up their ideas. They spend millions on advertising to claim they want peace and that Armenians are lying about the Genocide. 

The cover up of the Armenian Genocide resulted in more atrocities. "By denying the past we are condemned to repeat it."

For example, Hitler said and I quote,"Who after all remembers the Armenians?" Hitler used that to justify the ruthless slaughter of millions of Jews. We protest to get recognition so not only can the souls of our people rest, but the souls of another people be saved from future Genocide.

"By denying the past we are condemned to repeat it," 

 I do not hate Turks, many are smart and can think for themselves and know the truth. I respect those Turks who recognize the Genocide, after all they did not commit it themselves. I hate those who have been brainwashed, I hate those who still have murder in their hearts for my people.   

We fight for justice, justice for the 1.5 million Armenians, as well as the hundreds of thousands of Greeks and Assyrians who fell victim by the hands of the Turks.

Even after 101 years we still feel the pain of our ancestors, that is why we are unable to forget the past. We demand justice so the 1.5 million souls can finally rest. 

That is why I march for justice. 

The music video above is a beautiful rap song about the Genocide, pay attention to the words as they tell the story. 

If you have any questions let me know please! I would love to answer, I also encourage you to do research of your own. Remember to stick to factual websites, not propaganda.

I will be updating tomorrow night, after the protest in respect to those we have lost. I will be at the Turkish consulate tomorrow at the Rally for Justice.

<3 Thanks for reading.

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