Revenge Is Best Served Cold

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I hold up my hands to cover my face waiting for them to stab into my flesh. But nothing i look up from my hands and see a purple force field around the knifes. I controlled them now. I'm in survival mode now. There's only one way I'll come out of this alive. I have to kill her. With my hands i gesture the knifes to move toward  Stacy, She dives down on the floor but not before one knife hits her in the shoulder. 

"NNNYYAAAAHHHH" She screams in agony.  Blood pours around the knife onto her blue shirt. She starts Pulling the knife out her shoulder. Blood immediately begins pouring out of her, onto her clothes and the floor. By this time everyone is screaming and is racing toward the door. Including Ava.

Stacy gets up with the knife in her hand and starts to charge toward me. She tries to stab me but i grab her wrist. The knife inches away from my throat. It wouldn't matter anyway, i can heal myself. But what if she stabbed me in the heart or the brain or slit my throat. If the wound was to fatal could i actually die?

That wasn't a chance i was willing to take.

I end up kicking her in the groin, she moans in pain but still stands her ground she ends up using her other hand punching me in the stomach.

"Nnnhhhh" Wow shes stronger than she looks. Then if things cant hurt any worse she punches me across the face i fall head first on the floor.

My vision is blurry, I can see shapes and colours, that's about it. My eye-lids are half open i could see the shape of Stacy's shoes and her knees bending.

"hmmmmm" I try to speak, but i cant find my voice.

I could see her foot being raised, ready to smash down so i took whatever strength i had left in me i caught her foot then hauled her to the floor and got on top of her. She started to struggle, trying to claw my face  and arms.

"AHHHH." I grab my arm in pain and she takes this time to wrestle me to the ground and get on top of me. She wraps her hands around my neck squeezing as hard as she can I'm struggling, moving my feet, clawing her arms and face i claw just above her eye brown and hisses in pain and blood starts to drip down her eye but she still squeezes,gasping for air i could feel my pulse slowing,my heart slowing down.

Then i hear the sound of a gun.

"Let her go!" Screams Ava.

"You wouldn't dare!" Stacy challenges

"Try me." Ava yells pointing the gun at the center of her forehead.

She takes her hands off my neck and i gasp for air. My heart immediately starts racing and my pulse is quickening.

Stacy stands with her hands in the air and suddenly a knife flies at top speed into Ava's chest.

"NOOO!!!" I scream running toward Ava. Blood bubbles up between her lips and falls into my arms.

"Ava! Ava look at me its gonna be ok! Ok? Everything will be ok. I stroke her hair. She holds my hand and puts a ring it." "Use.....against.....herrrrrrr" her eyes close and goes limp.

"Ava? Ava? Wake up! WAKE UP!!" I shake her hard put she does nothing.

"Such a shame." Stacy says. I forget she was even here. "She was always a good student, then she had to pair up with the likes of you!" She scowls

"You know what when you said Judith was your sister i felt bad for you, but now i realize that you deserved to lose her." She clenches her fist.

"If she could see you now, shew would probably think your a disgrace to be her sister." Shes clenching her fist so hard there white as sheets.

"I'm glad she gone, good riddance." And with that she yells in rage and throws every weapon at me.

I immediately whip all of them to the side.

"Your a fast little thing aren't ya." She taunts me

"You have no idea." 

Stacy shoots a lighting fast kick at my head so i block her foot with the arms and she grunts frustratingly. "Grrrrr." 

She tries to kick me hard in the shins so i jump in the air avoiding Stacy's kick. I land safely on the ground.

"Any more?" I taunt 

"You'd better believe it."

She tires a high roundhouse kick but i knock her foot away. She staggers back, trying to get her balance and here's your chance. I swing low and lunge toward Stacy jamming my fist as hard as i can into her throat.

"HKKKKK" She grabs her throat and backs away. Attempting to get her breathe back. I slide one leg between her, and jerk back kicking her feet from in-under her and slam her to the ground. Her head falls back hard on the tile floor. Blood surrounds her head. 

"Huff.....huuffff. That.....was....close.." I catch my breathe.

I start to walk toward the door when Stacy grabs my ankle and yanks it so i fall hard on the floor.

"OWWWW." I shriek as she gets on top of me and pulls my hair. She attempts to get on top of me, but i block her with my leg and shove her backward. I get on top of her an try to choke her like she did to me. When she starts to turn pale and her pulse slows i say "This is for Ava, don't worry you'll be with your hell."

She glares and suddenly gets mad strength and starts to claw me like never before, her thumb makes contact with my eye and starts to push. I have no choice but to let go of her neck. I stand up and so do she then we here the cock of a gun. Its Derek. He's here to save me.

"Derek thank god your-"

"SHUT UP!" He yells and i jump. He's starring at me with cold empty eyes. 

"Derek?" I squeak

He doesn't say a word all he does is point the gun directly at my head.

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