Do our choices define us?

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I step into the elevator and wait for it to close before i start to cry. I'm starting to regret what i did, how can i be so mad and feel so guilty at the same time. My cheeks are hot from the tears, Its feels like my heart is breaking into pieces. Where did Brandon being the bad guy come from? Did he really think i would buy that? Brandon hasn't done anything to hurt me, i read his mind he is not going to turn on me.  Would he? Derek does have a good point about being Adams roommate and talking to me about trusting Judith but then again Derek also told me to trust Judith, so maybe he's the one that's gonna turn on me! Maybe he's giving me doubt about Brandon to cover his tracks! 

Then the elevator dings snapping me out of my thoughts, i could really use a drink to calm my nerves then i realize Brandon is in the cafeteria, i forgot where he went.  The last time i was here Logan blew up the place, it looks good there's still a bit of burnt pieces on the ceiling but everything else looks good the walls and floor are black, 3 of the walls are covered in weapons like guns, knives ninja stars, and alot of old time weapons the only weapon that isn't here is a cannon. Then a thought came to me Judith said that she got Logan to blow up the building and isn't it a coincidence that Derek (A.K.A Logan's brother) took me down the floor the exact same time Logan was going to blow it up so that they could take me away without anyone noticing. 

Before i can think about it further i see Brandon sitting down with 2 girls, i can hear there annoying perky laughs from hear. I'm hit by a wave of jealously and i don't like it, If i could only see myself im probably green from head to toe with jealously. Why i am so jealous? Maybe there just friends....

Or maybe there something more My subconscious adds

If i have super speed, and super strength, maybe i have super hearing too. I'm right by the door on the other side of the cafeteria the room with all the weapons so thy cant see me. I just have to concentrate on their voices, I start to zone out focusing only on the voices, then i could hear everyone's conversions well the people in the cafeteria anyway.

"This place sucks." One guy says

"Do you think he'd go for me." one woman says

"Whoa, nice tattoo." Another guy says.

I snap out of it and lean against the wall this is hopeless, How can i kill Edgar when i can barley use any of my powers without almost killing me myself. Then realization smacked me across the face. Hard. I felt nauseous and dizzy. What if the only way to kill Edgar is to use all of my powers and.....die.

Derek wouldn't send me into battle with the intentions of that happening would he? I just broke his heart, maybe for breaking his he'll stop mine.  Then i could hear those perky girls laugh again and i focus on it with all my energy and anger fueling inside me and i could hear there conversation.

"That's she gonna be ok?" One girl asks. Of course there talking me.

"Yeah why did you leave her alone with him then?" The other asks

"Because.... I think he really likes her and i wanted to at-least give him a chance to explain himself to her. And he wasn't going to do that with me there." I can hear the sadness in his voice and it breaks my heart. I hate that i caused him so much pain.

"They've been up there for a while.." One of them says

"So?.." Brandon asks defensively

"Maybe she forgave him and there-" The other girl cuts her off "Talking....talking about whats going on." 

I cant believe  they think i would do that. That's it. Now I'm mad, i need to get Brandon away from them, but how? Then i think if i start to get upset and cry he'll take me back to my room and leave them, for now anyway, iv'e never been a good actress but i think i could do this.

I focus on all those feelings i had on Derek its like a gate that just open from my heart to my eyes and suddenly the tears are back, streaming over my face. Then i basically run and make a beeline for Brandon. He sees me and stands up hugging me.

"Kayla are you ok? What did he do?" He voice turns from sweet and caring to raging in a millisecond. I feel bad for doing this but i cant help it.

 "Yeah... we just got into a big fight that's all." I cry, in the corner of my eye i can see the 2 girls just starring at us. I want to glare at them, but it would blow my cover. The one on the right was about 5'4 brown hair that went down to her back and deep brown eyes, the girl on the left is 5'3 with ginger colored hair down to her back and light blue eyes.

"Do you want something to eat?" The red-head asks

"Ummm sure." I response shyly

"I'm Riley and this is Ava." The Red head says

"Yeah, these are my cousins." Brandon responds and my jealously is replaced with embarrassment.

"Hi, I'm Kayla." I look down, feeling ashamed of what i did.

"Your the prophecy girl right?" Ava asks and i snap my head up and turn to Brandon

"You told them?" I ask angrily, maybe Derek was right about him betraying me.

"We didn't tell anyone else! We swear!" Riley tries to calm me down.

"We want to help." Riley adds and Ava nods.

"How can you help?" Brandon looks relived, that I'm not mad anymore.

"I'm in the telekinesis group you can come with me to practice." Ava speaks up.

"And I'm in the invisibility group i can teach you some tricks." Riley suggests

"And I'll train you with your super speed and strength. since i have a bit of both, Brandon sounds proud of himself.

"And yet, a turtle can pass you, and lift more than you can." Ava says with a smirk, and Brandon turns red and looks down.

"Thanks this will be great, when can we start?" I ask

"It's not that simple." Brandon looks at me. "We have to ask Derek first."

"Why?!?!" I almost shout

"Because he's in charge now and everything goes through him."

"Great." I was not looking forward to talking to him, but what did i expect, that i would never see him again? 

"So basically my fate of dying in battle from lack of training is in Derek's hands?" I say.

"Yeah, basically that's the shorter version of it." Riley says shrugging her shoulders.

"Ok then." I start to get up.

"Where are you going?" Brandon asks concerned.

"To bed, if I'm going to do this, I need to do it tomorrow today has been a long day." I walk away


I hear a loud thump and jolt out of bed, my heart immediately races. I see a dark figure moving to toward me with something shiny in its hand. Then i see a sharp blade its a knife. I see hands coming onto the bed with a knife in one. I'm frozen in place unsure of what do to. I try to use my fireball but its not working. Suddenly i hear i voice and a face to match.

"Time to finish what i started."

Its Adam, sinking the knife into my chest.


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