Memory Games

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""Why?" I ask. How could they just kill off people for being who they are.

"Like i said there a threat to us. After the battle there's no use them anymore, we basically just keep them so they cant go over to his side." She explains

She looks at me knowing my concern.

"Its a million in one chance you have the abilities to qualify for that group." She says trying to calm me down.

"I can heal myself." I tell her. I don't know why i told her, but i feel i can trust her. She looks at me wide eyed

"You can what?" She asks in disbelief.

"I can heal myself. Derek or Logan must of stabbed me and i healed myself, lift my top up a bit and see for yourself."

She carefully and gently lift my shirt up and saw the dried blood but no wound. She just stared at it, like that her staring at it would make it not true. She looked at the clock and snapped out of her trance.

"We better get started before they come back." She walked over to get a needle. She held the needle up high, it looked like the size of this building, It was filled with god knows what. This was going to hurt alot.

"What is that!?!?!" I exclaim.

"It will put you to sleep so it wont hurt as much." She said coldly

"Why can i heal? Am i going to die?" I yell shaking, and twisting trying to get out of my chair but it didn't really help much. "ANSWER ME!!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

"I said to much." She said harshly Then she stabbed me with the needle.

The pain was excruciating. I could feel it all over me, going through every part of my body, like 1000 electric bolts electrocuting me.

My eyes feel like they weight 2000 pounds i try to keep them open as best as i could but i had to close them. After that i feel into a dark sleep.


Its feels like I'm floating. Floating through complete darkness, as I'm floating i past images, images of my life all in order from when i was 5 to running for my life from the government. I don't know how long I've been out, could be hours, days, months, a part of me hopes i missed this battle, but with my luck i probably didn't. After a long time of memory's i finally think I'm at the last one. Its when Derek and Logan kidnapped me. Derek was right i wasn't very cooperative. But its understandable considering i didn't want to have to fight in a battle where i would die. 

When the last memory played out i was left floating again, what was next, would i ever wake up? I don't know if that would be such a bad thing now. But i could hear faint voices which seemed a million miles away. They might as well be in my condition.

"Kayla" The voices are getting closer

"Kayla" When i getting closer to the voice my heart is pounding even more. But relaxes a bit when i recognize the voice.

Its Derek

I jump up. Wasn't i in an office before? Im in a bedroom? Is this Derek's bedroom? I see Derek sitting on the edge of the bed, His hair is all messy and sticking up, plus with his blue eyes he looked perfect. I'm glad he was ok.

"How are you feeling?" He asks concerned

"I have a headache." I say and he laughs

"That good, that means it works." He said putting his hand on my forehead. I thought i was going to burst into flames when he touched me. Why am i feeling like this?

"You might have a little fever but shouldn't be to much to worry about." He says

I feel like a can breath again he takes his hand off me.

"Are you ok?" I ask, he looks at me confused.

"Your talk with Julian." I say

"Is that all you want to talk about." He asks with a smirk

"Yes what else?" i say trying to play it like i didnt know what he was talking about. I really didnt want to deal with the almost kiss talk today.

He rasies an eyebrow at me like he didnt belive me, but didnt say anything.

"Im fine, There was alot of yelling and it

got a bit out of hand but nothing i couldn't handle, Logan's good too."

"That's good." I say laying back down but something is digging into my side. When i check there is some clothes there.

"Judith brought them in so you could change, this is your room by the way."

I see a mirror so i slowly step toward it,  preparing for the mess I'm about to see. But i actually dont look that bad considering all the dried blood i thought id look worse. I have Long black hair that goes to my waist, chocolate brown eyes smooth skin, 5'8 and im 18 years old.

"Having fun" Derek asks sarcastically. I forgot he was there for a minute.

"Ha ha very funny." I say glareing at him

Ok well you should probably take the day to rest up your strength tommorow going to be where test on where your put and then your traning starts." He says blsuhing too.

"Yeah, judith told me." I said looking down.

"Hey whats wrong?" He walking toward me.

"I told her i could heal." I loook up into his eyes "Was that wrong?"

"No, no but you should keep that to yourself." He said calmly

"She got right werid after, like she wanted to kill me." I say he rolls his eyes

"Dont be over dramtic." He says laughing

"Well considering she got right werid then stabbed me as hard as she could with a needle the size of this building!" I shout he stills laughs and after that explanition i dont blame him.

were just staring at each other for which seemed like a life time i finally break the akward silence.

""Ok well i should get my shower now." I say blushing a bit.

"Oh! right umm Yeah ill see you tommorow." He says and rushes out  of the room.

Tommorow, will be the first day of the rest of my life or...... limited life.

I shudder at the thought that there is a good chance im going to die.

LegacyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora