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My eyes widened i i swear my jaw dropped to the floor, Not only had Derek given up on me when i needed him most, but he became someone who can expose who i am, and ruin can everything.  Why did Derek do this? Did he have a choice?

"Kayla.. say something" He shakes my shoulders. I must have zoned out.

"How?....Why?......What about Julian?"  I ask

"After the bombing Julian was hurt real bad, he had a concussion, cuts to some major arteries, the doctors tried to stop the bleeding and put him in surgery but he died. After a few months this place was chaos, someone needed to step up so i did. Know-one complained, so i got things back on track and now where running as smoothly as ever." He finishes. He sounds proud of himself, for letting this monstrosity continue.

"Your continuing Julian's work?"  I didn't think Derek would do this.


"What about us trying to stop all? Where did all that go?"

"Julian didnt have a right to kill all those people, im not killing anyone! im just prepareing everyone for the battle and making sure everything is good within the groups."

"The battle is still on? why not make a truce with him or something!"

"A truce? Really Kayla how old are you 6? If we don't kill him he will destroy everything! there have already been reports of people dying all over the world by mysterious circumstances and unnatural entities." He holds out a handful of newspaper articles and story's.

"Why cant there be a deal made so he wont kill anymore?"

"He gets alot of power from killing people he's not going to stop! and ok, ok what if we did make a deal what would we offer? He asks with a smug look on his face.

"Me." Derek got that smug look off his mighty fast after i said that.

"Not a chance in hell." Derek says angrily.

"Why not, your willing to risk my life in the battle why not prevent the battle all together and let me go with him!"

"He will kill you! Your the only one who can kill him! If we send you i might as well sign your death certificate!"

 "Why do you care! Just half an hour ago you didn't care whither i lived or died!" I snapped back. I was well aware the entire building could probably here us but i didn't care at that point.

"That's not fair! I did care whether you lived or died i just didn't know if you were!!  I was hoping you would wake up i was just scared you were never. There's a difference! I couldn't wait no more, just sitting in the hospital  waiting i just couldn't do it anymore."  Derek trying to defend himself.

Then i remember Brandon at the hospital

"I would have waited 5 years for you Kayla, i couldn't have just moved on, it was impossible for me."

"There's a thin line between hope and fear Derek." I say and he just looks down at the ground. 

"Your acting like i don't want you to live i do, I so glad your here right now." He says cupping my face in his hands. "well not the fighting part anyway." He grins at me, but i stay neutral.

"I seen you, you know" I say and he looks puzzled

"Seen me?" 

"While i was in the coma, I don't know whether it was because I'm the prophecy or if other people with powers can do it or maybe every coma patient can do it but i seen you, your reaction when the doctor said i was in a coma, your visit to the hospital. I only seen one when your were crying holding my hand telling me to wake up." I explain to him a tear slides down his cheek at the memory.

Then something clicks in my head. There was a reason that was the only time i saw him visit because it was the last.

"That was the last time you visited. Wasn't it?" I ask my voice cracking

"Kayla-" He starts but i cut him off. I f i give in to him and listen i'll sucked in into forgiving him, and i cant do that.

"I reached out to you, i tried to comfort you i tried to put my hand on your shoulder but you couldn't feel it, i tried to wake up, you acted like i chose to be in a coma but i DIDN'T!!! I'm sorry that waitng for me was a waste of your perous time, you had better things do i get it!!"

"I don't-" I cut him off again

"Do you know why i was in the coma? What caused it? I caused it because i was listening to your thoughts to make sure you weren't lying to me! trying to trick me!!" I shout i leave the part about Brandon out, he doesn't need to know that.

"How could you not trust me? After everything..." He looks hurt and betrayed,

Welcome to the club My subconscious adds

"After what happened with Adam and Judith i didn't know who to trust anymore." I say calmly, i do feel a bit bad for being so harsh but i have a right to be.

"But you trust Brandon?" He asks

"Yes, i do." i say and mean it.

"Are you kidding me? He was Adams roommate! He could have been in on you getting sacrificed!" He yells

"Then why did he save me?" I snap at him. I cant believe he would accuse Brandon of that. I knew he was jealous of him but i didn't think he would stoop that low.

"To get you to trust him!!! so he can hurt you!" He says pacing back in forth in his office.

"That's your plea to make me forgive you! that the one person i can trust is apparently after me!!"

"You can trust me." he steps forward but i step back.

"Obviously i cant, your just-" he cuts me off

"Choose." He says flatly

"Choose?" What does he mean

"Me or Brandon." 

"I-" He cuts me off again, I can feel the tears coming

"Me or him, and it cant be both has to be one or the other." He says angrily

I don't want to leave Derek, but how could he make me choose?

"Well?" He says impatiently

I look up into his eyes and say "Goodbye Derek" And walk out of his office, leaving a confused and hurt Derek behind.

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