The test

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I'm in a square room its grid wallpaper. It looks like the inside of a video game.

I look around nothing in sight. Somehow I'm more scared of that then if something dangerous was here.

Suddenly I'm looking at myself, i jump back but the other me does nothing, not even a little flinch, so its not mirror and just when i thought things couldn't get any weirder.

Its speaks.

"Choose?" It sounds like a robot. Mindless and heartless.

"Before its to late." I follow her gaze toward a table with a gun, knife, and nun-chucks.

I don't know what to choose and in the blink of an eye there gone. I turn around and she has an evil grin

"You made your choice." Her grin gets bigger and so does my rage

I lunge toward her but i end up going through her and i fall on the floor hard. I look up and see gun pointed at me, Julian is pointing at me.

I have to think fast, if he does shoot me will i die in real life? Or will i fail? What will happen if i fail?

I tackle him forward, knocking the gun out of his hands. I race toward the gun but he grabs my foot and hauls me back. I try to kick him but he dodges it.  He get my arms and pins them behind my back.

I focus on the gun staring at, then it moves up in air all by itself. I duck my head and think about pulling the trigger in my mind and then it happens for real. I feel his grip loosen then his body falls to the floor.

"Its over finally over." I say to myself.

Then a loud voice speaks up.

"Yes it is over... With part 1."

Part 1!!! How many parts are there?!?!?!

Then the ground collapses around me, falling into a deep dark hole. Taking me with it.

 I try to stop myself from hitting the ground. i put my hands in-front of me imagining what i want to do next.

Just when i was about to hit the ground, i stopped just inches before my face would have impacted the ground.

I pull my self upright, when i hear a scream from above. It was an ear piercing shriek. It was definitely a girl.  Maybe someone else is taking the test too.

"Help! Help!" I yell

But all she's doing is screaming, i don't think she can hear me.

"I'm on my own." I mutter to myself

I look around for something to help but there's nothing, only my magical powers can help me.


I wonder, could i do it. I never tried, then again i never tried to heal myself or move things with my mind.

I try to focus, all of my energy on levitating out of this hole. But i feel nothing maybe it didn't work. When i open my eyes i see the grid wallpaper again, I look down and I'm a few feet in the air above the hole. Now how do i move away?

This magic stuff is complicated.

I think of myself, moving away from the hole and before i know it I'm lowering myself to the ground to safety.

This better be the last part.  I think to myself before i collapse again into complete darkness.


I wake up gasping for air. I look around and I'm tied to a chair. The test is over. Thank god! Then Derek comes over.

"Oh Derek thank god your here! you can untie me now!"

He just looks at me, a blank expression on his face just like the other me. Lifeless and emotionless.

This isn't the end its part 3!

I try to get out but nothing helps, but he unlocks me from the restrains and throws me over his shoulder taking me upstairs. He throws me on the bed, taking off his shirt. He climbs on top of me pinning my arm down and starts kissing my neck.

I look around and i see the lamp I concentrate on it not working, i don't know whats going on.

I can feel my anger building up up suddenly i have the strength not 100 men. I throw him off me and suddenly there's a ball of purple fire coming out of my hands. I throw one at him and he explodes into nothing.


 "Oh my god!" I scream

I wake up, with Judith sitting in-front of me with a horrified expression on her face. Releasing me from my restrains.

"If this is part 4 I'm gonna scream!" I say taking a deep breath

"No this is real, I never seen anything like this You can heal, creature purple fire balls, you have super strength, levitation, and telekinesis, Usually one person only has one power, expect for the super strengths and the super fast sometime they mix."

"What do you mean they mix?" 

"Well sometimes a super strength also has super speed and  the other way around its nothing out of the ordinary just who they are."

"How do you put them in different groups?"

"On the percentage which ever one is stronger that's the group they'll go in.But for the other groups like levitation They get 100% on levitation and everything else is 0%" She says "And yours should be coming out............................. Now."

She grabs the paper from this weird square machine with button like the bottom end of a laptop but no screen. Only numbers from 1-9 and the other buttons are in another language.

"What do those symbols mean?" I point to the machine.

"Oh its really old back from the 3500 BC. Ironically it were the battle began."

"I thought that's what were being trained for."

"Well back in 3500 BC, there was this guy Edgar who had powers you could even the belie-" She stops and just looks at me.

"Until you." She says looking down at the ground. Her head shoots up faster than a lighting bolt and says. 

"The prophecy." She mutters but i could still hear her.

"What prophecy?" I ask and she gives me the coldest of glares

"Get out." She says coldly 

"Here are your papers, you are being put in the levitation group." She shoves the paper in my hands crumbling it up a little and is pushing me out the door.

 She slams the door behind me.

"That was rude." I mutter angrily to myself. I open the crumbled piece of paper and my scores is

Levitation: 57%

Telekinesis: 31%

Mind Reading : 80%

Super speed: 22%

Super Strength: 49%

Transportation: 38%

Invisibility: 10%

Wow. I need training if I'm going to live through this battle. After i see Brandon about what I am, and what Judith meant about me being the prophecy.


Author Note:

Why the test scores didnt equal 100% will be reveled in the next chapter.

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