Mind Tricks

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"EEEK." I scream and duck so the vase goes just above my head.  

"Cam!!!" Ava screams.

"Oops sorry." He walks forward. "Hey, aren't you that prophecy girl?..." Ava glares at him. I turn to her.

"You told him?" I ask through clenched teeth.

"Well.... Maybe i told a few more people."  She looks down at the ground.

"How many?" I sigh

"All of them." She gives me a please don't hurt me smile.

This keeping my secret thing might be harder than i thought. Maybe i should everyone. The battle is going happen, weather i like it or not. There's nothing i can do to stop it. Might as well prepare and be ready then be worried about my secret being kept. Half the building knows anyway thanks to Ava, and Riley probably told her group.

"Alright lets get started." I say confidently and walk toward the rest of the group. There all sitting in chairs in a circle in the middle of the room. As i walk over there all gawking and starring.  A few people are even bowing. I should feel honored or even like a princess but considering the circumstances I rather be a peasant than a the prophecy.

I take a seat in one of the blue chairs with Ava and the guy she called Cam. One girl stands up and greets me. She's probably the leader.

"Hello, My name is Stacy are your Kayla correct?" She talks so proper.

 "Yeah that's right. Are you the leader of this group?" I ask

"I wouldn't call it leader more like big sister, you know its my job to teach and guide you to fore-fill your purpose." 

"So what are we doing today?"

"We are going to practice throwing knifes at a target." 

"What does that have to do with telekinesis?" I ask and she snaps her head around

"We use are minds to throw the knifes." She replies harshly. I can hear hear mutter under her breathe. "Obviously idiot."

Stacy had long shiny black hair that went to her waist, she was pretty tall but she had on 20in heels i swear i don't know how she got into the building. She has evil green eyes to match her mean personality.

"Great lets get to it." I stand and walk over toward the wooden table. There was at-least 100 knifes piled up, there was only about 23 in the group so that was enough for a few turns for each of us.

"I will go first to show our...... Newcomer." She says glaring at me. I give her my best/ fakest smile. If she wanted war, she got it. It was on.

She choose a knife, lined up her target, then she nodded her head and the knife went flying toward the target, it landed with a thud.

The target was a 3-D shaped human made out of this gel plastic thing. She hit him right in the stomach. That poor gel man.  I thought to myself.

"Alright who's next?" She gestures her hand around the group.

"I will." I say confidently and i hear a few gasps. Cam grabs my arm and whispers in my ear. "Why did you challenge her? She can be nice, but you don't want to be on her bad side." He warns

"I can create deathly fireballs when I'm mad. So if anyone she be afraid of being on a bad side. It should be mine." i whisper back, and he relaxes a bit as I stride toward the knifes. I brush my fingertips along the knifes until i find the smallest one. I can hear Stacy snicker, which only makes me want to use her as the target.

I used my mind to moves the knife so it was in-front of the target i was about 10ft away from it. I wanted it to go right in the middle of the head. To one up Stacy. I could feel my nerves traveling through my body to the knife, like it was telling it what do do and where to go. My veins started to get bigger i could see them on my arm, they were alot more visible. Suddenly i could feel the oxygen slowly leaving my body i could feel my mind getting dizzier so with that i took it as a sign to throw the knife, so i nodded my head and the knife went right in the middle of the forehead. When it landed all my oxygen came back and my veins went back to normal.

I could see the grin on Stacy face had fell due to her jaw being on the floor in shock.

"I think that was pretty good, for a newcomer and all, Don't ya think?" I tilt my head with a smirk. As i walk over to Ava she gives me a high five and a wow that was epic smirk.

Stacy's jaw tenses as she walks over to me.

"You think your all that don't you?" She asks shaking her head side to side in disgust.

"No, but I know that you act all nice and proper until someone better than you comes along so you treat them like crap so you can trick them so you can beat them. This isn't a game or a competition, we all want the same thing. Edgar dead. We want the battle to be over so we can stop practicing and training, and go back to our lives!"

I look around at the rest of the group. It looks like they all agree as well. Ava and gives me a smile.

"Do you know what i want back? She asks with tears filling her eyes.

"What?" I ask not trying to sound mean.

"I want my mother back!" She spits

"Did..Did Julian kill her?" Could Derek have killed her?

"NO YOU DID!" she screams. 


"I didn't kill anybody!!!" I shout, giving her pleading eyes.

"Your the reason she got killed! I told her not do that stupid ritual!" She huffs and my heart stops

Oh my god.

"Your sister.... was...was" I struggle to say the words, "i cant she cant be..."

"Yes, she is..... Judith was my mother." She uses her mind to get all the knifes on the table and throws them toward me.

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