Calling Our Savior

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He sank the knife into my chest.

Adam wasn't gentle about it either, but it didn't touch my heart, that would be to easy! He plunged the knife going through my shirt and going through me. It was excruciating pain. The world around me was spinning, i was seeing double, I couldn't control my body, i was shaking and my limbs were having spasms. The pain was radiating through my body, my heart was beating erratically, the blood was pouring around the knife, I was screaming in pain but know-one cared if anything they all smiled. It must be the power in the knife, no regular knife can do that much damage. I was sweating i could feel drops of sweat poring over the blood on my forehead. Adam looked me straight in the eye. No emotion what so ever, just darkness and emptiness. God only knows what he sees while he's looking at me know. So much fear and agony. Then he yanked the knife out of my chest and i fell on the ground. Hard. I could feel myself slipping away, but then more pain goes through me and i come back to reality.

I could see flashes, white hot flashes, then memory's. I read once that sometimes people see a mirage or flashbacks of their life before they die. But the people that do never live to tell the tale.

I would need a miracle to survive this, then i remember my conversation with Judith when I first came here.

"I can heal myself. Derek or Logan must of stabbed me and i healed myself, lift my top up a bit and see for yourself."

She carefully and gently lift my shirt up and saw the dried blood but no wound. She just stared at it, like that her staring at it would make it not true. She looked at the clock and snapped out of her trance.

I completely forgot! How could someone forget something like that! How did i do it? I was unconscious last time i did it. I managed to lift my head up and saw that i was healing. I could see the wound close up through my ripped shirt. 

I'm starting to get some of my strength back, The pain is fading away, i can feel the wound closing and my insides being healed as well. Its really uncomfortable but if it helps me live i think it will be worth it.

I could faintly hear more chants.

"Quod si mactaverimus ea hominem puellam, ut non in speciali, ab Edgar remotis sermonem ad alterum millennium." (We sacrifice this human girl, to stop the anarchy from Edgar by eliminating his prophecy for another millennium) 

They kept repeating it, I'm guessing they'll repeat until i die.

I'm starting to get some of my strength back, The pain is fading away, i can feel the wound closing and my insides being healed as well. Its really uncomfortable but if it helps me live i think it will be worth it.  My pulse was racing faster than ever before, I'm afraid it will burst if it goes any faster. Same thing with my heart. Its do or die time, literally. I wonder if it did hit my heart would i be dead now? Can i die? I'm the only person who can kill Edgar, so who will be able to kill me?

All of these questions are floating in my mind, but i have to save them for later, 

If there is a later. My subconscious adds.

Now or never, I kick Adam in the kneecap, and he falls. The only way i can survive this, is if i kill him all of them.

Its 6 against 1. Great. 

I start to run, but 2 other people try and grab me put i slide on the ground so they miss. I start to use my super speed, then i think, i just might getaway. I spoke way to soon.

My head start to feel like it was trying to come out of my forehead, Its pounding against my skull, Giving me a massive migraine, i cant even think or move all i can do is lay on the ground and scream. I can see Judith holding her hands out, she's doing this me. 

"Did you really think it would be that easy? Don't worry this wont kill you i can do this to anyone with a supernatural healing. So i can kept you like this until you die."

"Not while I'm here." I hear someone say but i cant focus on the voice because its drowned out by my screams.

Then I hear an ear-piercing sound. A gunshot i think. Then all of a sudden the pain stopped. In my head that his, that shot was loud, I'm probably deaf now. Then i hear multiple shots and everyone is falling to the ground. After a few seconds all of their bodies go still.

Then i feel arms around me, Holding me.

Its Brandon.

"Kayla are you ok? Oh god that's alot of blood, I'll get you inside." He carry's me away back to the building. I put my head in his neck, he arms still around me.

I'm upset about Judith and Adam. But they got what they wanted. They wanted to die and there dead. I'm just glad they didn't take me down with them.

There with their savior, Now I'm with mine.

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