Happy Birthday!

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February 7, 2009 (Grace is a few weeks earlier than a normal pregnancy keep that in mind)

Looking into TJ's eyes. I squeeze his hand. I groan as I turn around, making TJ spoon me. His arms wrap around my stomach. He rubs circles over our babies. I close my eyes. I am so uncomfortable. My stomach is the size of a beach ball and the twins should of been here a week ago.  TJ nuzzles his face into my hair. Humming into my ear. "Please baby. Try to sleep. It's only six in the morning." TJ whispers. I have only gotten two or three hours every night this week. I have had some labor pain. Carlisle said I wasn't dilated enough, whatever that means.

I pull myself out of his arms. Sitting up, I slip my feet into my comfy furry slippers. I stand up slowly. TJ touches my back to steady me. "I gotta pee." I mutter as I waddle into the the bathroom. Just as I am about to enter the bathroom, I feel a gush of something splatter onto my feet. I lean over to see if I peed on myself.  Nope that's not pee. Suddenly a pain erupts from deep within my stomach. I couldn't help but let out a scream. "Shit that hurts!" I cry out. TJ instantly comes to my rescue, since he knows I don't curse unless it's serious.

"What's wrong,Grace?" TJ steadies my shaking body. I curl into him. "The babies....TJ..." I clench my teeth as another contraction hits me. Taking my breath away. TJ picks me up into his arms.  My hands go to my stomach. The babies were kicking like crazy.  I close my eyes, feeling  TJ walking me down the stairs. "Carlisle! Edward!" TJ shouts as he runs from our part of the house. I wince as another contraction hits me. I let out a small yelp. TJ kisses my head. I keep my eyes closed.

"Come on. We will get her up to my office."I hear Carlisle say. I open my eyes, seeing that we were in the elevator. I wince again. "Hold on, Grace. We are almost there."TJ whispers in my ear. I watch as the elevator doors open. Carlisle ushers us down the hall. Everything is happening so fast. TJ carries me into Carlisle's  office. Laying me down on the examining table. I rub my hands over my tummy. Trying to breath. Carlisle is over at his sink, washing his hands.

"TJ, pull her pants and underwear off. And cover her up with one of the sheets." Carlisle orders TJ. TJ nods and does as he was told. I clench the sheets in my fists. God this hurts! I let out a yelp.

TJ quickly kisses my head. "I'm right here, Grace. I'm not leaving you." He whispers to me. TJ grabs my hand. Letting me squeeze it as much as I want. I glare at him.

"You...I'm going to kill you for this. Or let you get pregnant next time, see how you like two melons popping out of you!" I yell. Carlisle holds in a  laugh. TJ frowns. I know it takes two to tango but I'm in labor alone. He isn't affected by the pain.

Carlisle quickly checks me."You are dilated to five. Now that your water broke. The babies should come faster." He smiled at me. The doctor within him was trying to calm me down.

11:15pm ( 17 hours into labor)

Sweat drips from my forehead. Making my hair cling to my head as it was drenched in said sweat. Carlisle has given me ten times to normal medication for pain. Although I am in excruciating pain, the babies haven't made their appearance. Tears run down my cheeks as I lean into TJ. He was rubbing my back.

"Please....Carlisle....there must be something wrong." I whimper out. My hands rubbing over mine and TJ's children that were still inside me. I glance over at Carlisle.

He pinches the bridge of his nose. "TJ will go tell the others of her progress. I think if by midnight one of the babies have not been born,  I will do a c-section and I will need Edward's help. He studied in Medicine for awhile." Carlisle says. TJ lifts me up, making me groan. TJ gives me a kiss on the lips before leaving us.

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