~Volturi Goddess~

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Eight hundred years ago, my Father had an affair with my Mother. She conceived and birthed me. And died in the process. My Father locked me away when Eleazar, a member of the guard told him of  my gift. My Father was afraid of me. I was half human, half vampire. My Father was one of the three rulers of the vampire world. They didn't know it was even possible to create something like me. And they didn't want it to happen again. So they locked me up in one of their towers of the Volterra castle. Only giving me the minimum of human blood and regular three square meals a day.

Suplicia, my Father's vampire wife educated me and acted as my Mother when she felt like I needed her. I grew faster than a human. I looked to be three years old within 6 months of my birth. I was fully grown by 18 years old. Even when I was fully in control, my Father would never let me out. I wanted to roam the castle, or the world even more.

I grew very fond of a guard named Alec. When he was the only one of duty, Alec would let me out. Suplicia found out, but kept hush about it. Because she understood my curiousity. She gave me black, leather gloves to wear twenty~four hours a day. Suplicia said  they would protect any vampire from my touch. And she was right. Later on, I thank Suplicia for them.

I didn't roam as far until just recently within the last two hundred years. I soon began to leave my tower at night when Father was busy. Then I would be back before dawn.  I loved Volterra. But I hated being locked away. Not being able to be free. I hated my Father for it.

Guards would gossip like little highschool girls. So I heard everything on my Father's business. Eleazar the guard that told my Father my gift without saying a word to me had left years ago. And Carlisle a man who wanted to co~exist with humans  had left right around the time I was born. He was the vampire, my Father said was a vegetarian. Only drank from animals. That sparked my interest as I continued to hear about his growing Vampire coven. My Father made a huge fuss when he found out the Cullen's had made someone like me on accident.

Thats when I made my escape. I would search out this child. And help him or her. I left a week before my Father planned on meeting the Cullen clan for war. I traveled to Forks, Washington and thats how I finally broke the short leash my Father gave me. This is how I became free.

I, Grace Volturi, vowed to revenge my captivity and do everything in my power to ruin my Beloved Father.

***I don't own any Twilight Saga characters. I own Grace Volturi and any other characters I created. Vote or comment to tell me  what you think***

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