Forks, Washington

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I had just gotten off of the plane. Forks, Washington was much different than Volterra. I was accompanied by two guards that Alec sent with me. Alec didn't like me going alone. But I told him that this was what I had to do. That Cullen Child needs a friend like them. I don't know exactly if I purely want to help or if I am just so interested in seeing others. I grabbed my bags off of the rotating circle where every passenger picked up their bag. I hated taking coach. But it was low profile. My Father is so busy that he won't even know I am gone.

I nodded to my two companions. They followed close behind me as we got a taxi. The hotel I reserved a room at was small but cute. Well I think so. If anyone saw me in this taxi, I bet they would think I was born yesterday. Because I'm in awe of the scenery before me. Forks had a forest and mountains. I'm already in love. I hate Volterra compared to this place.

Within minutes, we arrived to the hotel. One of the guards named Matt, had thrown a hundred dollar bill at the driver. I stood there, watching the driver clap and thank us in spanish. I never really been close to a human that I didn't eat. So this guy was lucky I was full. Matt was the one who took my hand and led me to our room while the other guard who I didn't even get his name yet went to pay for our stay. Matt and the other guard had one room while I had another. They left me alone while I unpacked.

I stared up at my cieling. Bored! Bored!Bored! I sighed, finally grabbing a clean outfit. I hopped in the shower. I let the hot, scalding water hit my body. The hotel provided shampoo and body wash. Both soaps were Apple scented. I heard someone in my room so I turned the shower off. Wrapping a towel around my naked body as my wet hair dripped down my back. I peeked through the crack in my door. I growled as I threw open door. Grabbing the person by the throat. Forgetting all about my gloves on the sink. It was the guard NoName, he squirmed under my grip. Suddenly the guy started gaining color to his face. His crimson red eyes faded into a deep blue color. His dead unbeating heart, started pumping slowly. It picked up speed. NoName guard was speechless. I on the otherhand gasped and let go.

I had turned a vampire back into a human. My felt my mouth drop open as Matt rushed in and checked on NoName. Later, I figured out that it was Brian. But I didn't care about his name now because I knew he was dead. Matt took him away while I got ready. I slipped into clothes that fit the climate in Forks.

I stared into the bathroom mirror at the girl that stood in front of it. I barely got to look at myself at the castle. And Alec always said that I was beautiful and I didn't have to worry about beauty. But I guess like any human, that was my weakness. The girl that stared back at me had long red hair that went all the way down my back in curls and her eyes were green with red around her black iris. As my eyes followed down her body, I instantly blushed. She was wearing acid grey skinny jeans that hugged her hips with a light brown sweater top that actually showed off her curves. She pursed her newly glossed full lips back at me. She had dark, long lashes that made her look like she had put on makeup. But I only wore lipgloss. I blushed at myself as I was satisfied with what I looked like. I tucked my Volturi pendant down my shirt, between my breasts. Hiding where I was from would be easy.

I let Matt point me in the right direction toward the Cullen estate. He warned me about the mysterious wolf pack that hunted vampires. But with my human side, they wouldn't pick up on me. Well not yet anyway. I pulled on my black converse and took off into the trees. I watched the trees all around me. It was more beautiful up close. I tightened both my gloves around my wrists, making sure I won't hurt anyone.  I knew I was there when I came to a clearing where a bunch of vampires and wolves were training. Most of the vampires were red eyed like my Father and my Uncles. But there were a few vampires that had a golden color to their eyes. How odd? I looked around until I saw her. There was a little girl watching the practice on top of a russet brown wolf. Beside him was a newborn and her mate. I didn't know any of their names except Carlisle. Who was with his mate, I think her name was Esme. They were training with a black wolf and a grey one. The training looked intense. I crouched in the shrubs. Watching them. It felt like hours until the little girl finally met my gaze. She nodded. I watched her lean over and ask her Mother about playing. The newborn nodded. They both agreed not to leave the clearing. The girl wandered a little then came to me.

The little girl reached up and touched my cheek. I froze, thinking that I was going to hurt her. But my gift didn't phase her at all. Yet her gift affected me. I was instantly sucked into a vision like dream. The girl showed me her birth and growth. I looked at her."Hi I'm Renesmee."Her melodic voice made me instantly weak in the knees. I finally had someone to connect with. And a sudden urge to protect her."Hello Renesmee. I'm Grace. I came here to help. But it has to stay a secret. Ok?"I smiled at her. Renesmee nodded. Without anything else, she ran back toward the others like I wasn't there.

I watched as the training died down. The wolves had turned back into their human forms and gathered with the vampires around a camp fire. I moved closer. Only close enough to hear them. Suddenly I heard one set of feet behind me. I turned on my heels. About to run when I walked straight into someone's chest. I looked up at him. Gasping as my heart leaped into my throat. I felt like this man was what I have always wanted. Something within me wanted to steal him away and hide him so I could be with him. Yet I didn't know who he was. That feeling warmed me throughout my body. Making my stomach feel like mush. Is this what Suplicia was talking about when she read me those fairytales?Was this love? I shook my head and opened my mouth to.say something when I was quickly thrown into the air. I felt my head hit the tree behind me hard. Real hard. My eyes drooped when my body hit the cold ground. Everything slowly grew black. I didn't understand what happened as I kept hearing many, many voices all around me. But as quickly as I was knocked out, I lost consciousness too.

***Ok first real chapter is done. What do you think?Who is Grace's mystery love?Can you comment and give me ideas for who it should be? Tell me would you rather see Grace with a wolf or a vampire?I can't wait to see your suggestions. And whoever gives me the best idea will have the next chapter dedicated to them like I promised. Vote and comment. Especially enjoy!!!***

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