Remember Me

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***I don't own Twilight. All credit goes to Stephanie Meyers. ***

My face paled as I realized what just happened. I ran into between two boys fighting over me. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. My eyes stared up at Xander. I had both my arms spread out. One extended to TJ in his wolf form and the other to Xander. Trying to stop them from colliding and killing each other. I had tears running down my cheeks. I glanced down at my bare hand around Xander's throat. My other arm fell to my side. TJ stopped in midair so he wouldn't hurt me. Everything went silent. All I could hear was a constant buzzing in my ears. Xander's eyes were wide as the gold melted away and a deep blue hazel color took over. Color came to his cheeks and he collasped to the ground. I stood there. Staring down at the unconscious, now human Xander. Tears flowed down my cheeks. I couldn't believe what I just did.  TJ laid down, whimpering with his head on his paws. I dropped to the ground. Pulling Xander into my lap. He is a human because of me.I held him. Rocking him until the Cullens got back. Everything after this seemed to go in slow motion. Alice didn't see this happening because of TJ being a wolf. Carlisle and Emmett picked Xander up from my lap. They quickly took him inside. I stayed frozen in the snow. I refused to move. My head went down as I cried more.  Bella, Rosalie, Alice and Esme were trying to coax me to go inside at least while they guys took care of Xander. 

I felt Bella pick me up. I instantly curled into her. Crying and burying my face into her hair. I didn't know what was going on because Carlisle gave me a sedative. Bella tucked me into my bed and stayed with me. The sedative worked immediately. I felt my eyes close. But my mind was still spinning. I slowly drifted into a dream.

I was running. My destination was not determined. And I don't know where I came from. I could feel someone chasing me. Or was I the one chasing them?I feel so sluggish and confused. Suddenly I'm in the meadow with Xander. He was sparkling in the shining sun. I feel tears run down my cheeks. Yet I don't remember why I would be crying. Xander kissed  my tears away... He holds me for a long time. I look up at him. My bare hand comes up to cup his cheek. I frown and gasped as he was no longer sparkling. Xander was completely human. I pull away from him. I am shocked by the words he spoke next."Let go, Grace. Let go."  I feel like I am going to combust. I screamed out as Xander disappeared in front of me.

I sat up in my bed. Sweat was making my hair damp. I looked around the room. Xander was nowhere in sight. I bit my lip memories of what happened flooded into my mind. I quickly shuffle through my room. Grabbing clothes as I walk into the bathroom.  I hopped into the shower to wash myself. I feel like I have been out of it forever. I am done within minutes and dressed in some pajamas as it was still dark outside. I was just about to look around for everyone, but Alice was at my door."Hello Ms.Sleepyhead. Did you sleep well?"Rather in a chipper mood. I tilted my head."How long have I been out, Alice?"I ran my fingers through my  wet hair. Alice looked down."About two days."My eyes widen."Two days. What the hell did Carlisle give me?Where is Xander?"I bit my lip. Trying to go around the pixie.

"Xander is a bit confused right now. He thinks he is still a vampire. But we don't know. We think it has to do with the necromancy thing.."Alice sighed. Rubbing her temples."I'm sorry Grace. But he is a human. And I don't want the Volturi after our family again. Xander will either be killed or turned again. And we don't know if your gift allows that."I could tell she had a vision headache."Well Bella and Edward is at their cottage with Renesmee. And the rest of us are leaving to hunt or go out. Carlisle is in his room. He has been taking care of Xander. Xander is in the office. "She hugged me."I will check on you later."And thats when she left. I thought about staying in my room. But I had to see Xander.

I tiptoed down the hall and opened the office door. Xander was laying on a hospital bed. He was hooked up to all different machines. The heart monitor pumped in a loud steady beat to his heart. I blushed. I never thought I would hear Xander's heartbeat ever. I stepped into the room and Xander popped his head up."Grace, I could feel your presence. How can I feel you?"I slowly walked toward him. As soon as I was close enough, Xander grabbed me. Pulling me into his arms. He kissed me. His body was a normal human temperature. But the kiss, it was different. I suddenly didn't feel the chills down my back at all. I feel nothing... I shook my head. Looking at him."I don't know,Xander. I have to fix this for our new family."I looked at him. He was confused."What are you saying?"I sat down. Breathing in. I never practiced  my gift before so I really didn't know how it really worked.

I sat down to look him in the eyes. I took his face into both my hands."Xander,your a human. You always have been a human.  Your name is Xander Brown. You are twenty one years old. And you live on a little ranch your family gave you. You got a two year degree of agriculture. You are going to fall in love with the town beauty because she is as lovely as she is on the inside. You and her will have  lots and lots of babies. You don't know anything of the vampire world. You are just a small town boy. You will grow old with your wife. Watching your kids, grandkids and even great grandkids grow up. You will die happy. You don't even remember me. I am nothing to you."I fought back tears. It was killing me."You are going to sleep. When you wake up, you will be in your house. About to start the day. Soon you will go into town and see the town beauty. I command this of you. I, your master, want you to do all of this and never question the world. You will know your place."I bit my lip. Xander's eyes drooped and he laid back down on the bed. I guess it worked.  I then called around. I used a credit card that Alec gave me to buy a ranch with animals in a small town in North Dakota. Somewhere, where Xander will live out his human life and I can watch over him. Before dawn, everything was set in place. And Xander was gone out of my life forever.  I wiped the flood of tears that ran down my cheeks. I finally went back to my room. The Cullens would be home soon and there wouldn't be anymore problems because of me. I wouldn't allow myself to cause danger to my new family. I cancelled out the credit card. Making it as if everything I told him were true. It will be as if I never existed to Xander. And I liked it. I laid on my bed. Staring out the window.

***Wow!I didn't even plan what happened to Xander. I just let this story have a mind of its own. Haha well,I know some of you will hate me. But this is how it had to be. Comment and vote!***

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