Memories of Home ~Last of the Honeymoon~

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*** I don't own Twilight.  Just wanted to let everyone know. But Grace and TJ are my muses...Neveah is my best friend's creation, she is letting me borrow her. Thanks Tiffy.***

Centuries ago.....

The castle was dark. My reddened green eyes glanced beyond the corner of the hallway. No guards were in sight. I tiptoed out of my room. Closing the door behind me slowly. I tightened my grip around my gloves that covered my little hands. Father would be angry with me for leaving my room. But I never got to see our Home. Every guard told me that it was beautiful. No other castle is like it. So I deserve to see for myself.

I wandered down the long staircase in my tower. I could hear voices up ahead. I quickly retreated into the shadows. Watching as my Father's guards Jane and Alec patrol the main part of the castle. They were soon out of sight and I started to walk again. I hid in the shadows. Suddenly coming face to face with a little girl just like me.

The girl in front of me was blonde and her eyes were tinted red too. I tilted my head. My green eyes looked into her blue ones. I reached out to touched her. But the girl stepped away." Are you like me?" My little voice echoed slightly.  The other girl shook her head." Like you? What do you mean?" Her voice echoed around me. I inched forward. My Father told me that I was one of a kind. I was only a year old, but looked like a five year old my Father's Wife told me that.

I picked the my skirts of my dress and ran back to my room. Not caring if I was caught. I just didn't understand there was another girl. Who was she? And was she my Sister? Why hasn't my Father told me? All these questions went through my little mind. But I would never speak of this night ever. My Father would never find me out of my room. And I will never see that girl again.


I woke up, sweating from my dream. I glanced over at TJ. He was still sound asleep. Snoring actually. I smiled, still watching him as I slid out of bed. It was our first night in Volterra. I wrapped the sheet around my naked body and walked into the bathroom. I dropped the sheet onto the floor. Turning on the shower. Being back home was affecting me in ways that I didn't think it would.

I stepped into the scalding water. Letting it flow over my body. It was so different to be home and not be with my Father. I really haven't thought about my Father since I killed him. I closed my eyes. Killing my Father was horrible. But I never regretted it. My Father deserved death. Especially all the Hell he gave every vampire that crossed his path.

I washed my hair out slowly and rinsed. I needed time alone to think. Being home like this is overwhelming. TJ could tell, but it was my idea. I wanted him to know where I was from. I finally turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. Wrapping a towel around myself. I stood in front of the mirror, brushing out my hair.

Santorini was beautiful. TJ and I spent most of our time on the beach or walking around the town. I know he loved it. I did too. This was the Honeymoon of my dreams. I placed my brush back onto the sink and walked back out into the bedroom. TJ had rolled over now. Still snoring. I smiled, sitting on the edge of the bed. Picking out some clothes from my suitcase. We were both so tired last night that we didn't even unpack.

I finally picked out some khaki shorts and a black tank top. I slipped my undies on and a bra before my outfit. Then I went back into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I slipped on some flipflops. Grabbing my gloves and tightening them around my wrists. I left TJ a note telling him where I was. I closed the bedroom door quietly. I ran my gloved hand against the brick hall walls. Closing my eyes for a second. I walked up a familiar staircase. I glanced around. Going to the wooden door that I saw for eight hundred years.

~Volturi Goddess~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz