Running 4 President!

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***This is a month after they get back from their Honeymoon. Grace will catch you up.***

 Dear Xander,

Tomorrow school starts. I will be a Junior and officially running for Class President. Edward had met up with a bunch of my friends while I was gone on my Honeymoon. They made flyers and buttons to wear. I am so happy. And nervous about the election. But I will be ok. I hope I win. Especially when this will probably be the first and the last time I run in Office since the Cullens don't involve themselves in school for our lack of attendance.

We came back home after a few more days in Volterra. Everyone was so thrilled to have us back. Especially Renesmee. She wouldn't let me go to bed until five in the morning. Everyone asked us about our trips. TJ and I have moved into the Garage/Guest Bedroom for privacy. Now we have just been settling in. It has been a long month doing that.

TJ is going to Young Harris College. He is studying to be a Teacher. I am so proud of him. I told him that maybe one day I can be his student. Not trying to gross you out.

I miss you. I know that I am with TJ, but you were and always be my first love. TJ makes me happy, Xander. He is everything I could ever wish for. We talked about you on our Honeymoon. TJ doesn't hate you. He knows you loved me. I wished that I pulled my gloves back on before I separated you two. But I didn't. And now your a human, living with your wife and child.

I am glad you are happy. You deserve it. Don't think I didn't realize what you did to me when you kissed me before I gave you your new life. I know you manipulated my emotions and thoughts about you. That's the reason I was able to move on and be with TJ. Thank you. I just wish you were here with me. Especially that one of a kind smirk. I miss the way you called me 'Shortstuff.' But it will be ok because I know you are living the life you should have and I am living mine with the man I belong too.

-Love Always, Grace

I dropped the letter into the box that housed the others. I closed it up and shoved it back under my new bed. TJ was sleeping soundly. I could tell because of his snoring. I smiled. Crawling back into the bed quietly. I nestled myself beside him. The clock on his side said it was 1:01 am. I knew I had to sleep. But my stomach was turning. It must be just nerves.

Yesterday Alice had to fix my dress for school because it didn't fit. It just wouldn't zip up. Emmett laughed, telling me it was the Honeymoon pounds. Rosalie slapped him before I did. I gazed over at the altered dress hanging up on our closet.  I shook my head. I was not fat. TJ has told me that over and over. I sighed. Closing my eyes. I let sleep cradle me in her arms. Silently praying for a good first day.

My eyes fluttered open when it felt like my stomach just crammed itself up into my throat. I jerked up from the covers. My hand clamped over my mouth as I ran into the bathroom. I barely had enough time to lift the toilet seat when I puked. I fell to the floor. I felt like all of last months meals have came up. As soon as I was done, I flushed. Rubbing my stomach slightly. I washed my mouth out. My eyes closed. This was not a good way to wake up.

Suddenly two arms wrapped around me. Pulling me into him. He leaned down towards my ear. I felt his warm breath on my ear." I thought I heard you puking. Are you ok?" TJ whispered. I nodded." Yes I am. Just puked. But I feel better now." I smiled, turning around to face him. His arms wrapped around my waist." Are you sure? School can wait." I sighed."I have to go back today for the election. I got to put my name in or I lose my chance." TJ looked at me." Isn't this like the third time this week? Shouldn't Carlisle check you out?" He looked me in the eyes. I know he was worried. I leaned up and kissed him.

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