First Day Of Highschool

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***I do not own Twilight. But I do own my characters and plot.***

The rest of the week was dedicated to school shopping and planning. My Family planned out everything. And Alice wouldn't let anyone slide with last seasons clothes. So everyone got a new wardrobe. I actually love shopping. But when Alice shops, it's like a whole week trip.  I spent time with Renesmee.  We played with her dolls and played dress up.  I even tricked Jacob and TJ to play. And Renesmee gave them both makeovers. I actually got a picture of the boys wearing tutus, tiaras, brightly colored makeup and glitter. It was so funny. Plus Emmett and Rosalie forced them to do a Family fashion show. Jacob and TJ were mad at me the rest of the night.  I didn't mention the ring to anyone. Even though Edward knew all about it.

Two days before school started, I pulled Edward  out into the woods to talk without anyone eavesdropping. I looked up at him. I knew he knew my thoughts."I'm not telling you about TJ's thoughts. He wants it to be a surprise, Grace. Don't ruin it for him."Edward then ran off, refusing to tell me anything else. I went back into the house. Grabbing Bella's copy of Wuthering Heights. I never read the story before so when I read it a few months back, I just had to read it again.  I went up to the library. That's where I usually went to be alone. Since TJ and Jacob were busy trying to help TJ learn to control of his emotions. We didn't want him to get angry and phase in front of humans. Jasper helped alot when it came to emotions. So I was thankful.  I sat in the rolling chair and rocked as I read. Everyone even the wolves came out to hunt one last time before school.

School was finally here , I woke up to Alice wanting to get me ready for school. I didn't argue. She picked out a pair of black skinny jeans with a burgandy corset with a black knit sweater along with black hightops. I loved this outfit. Alice and Rosalie actually did my hair together. My hair was pulled up into a long ponytail and was curled from there. Rosalie did my makeup while Alice went to get Renesmee ready. I was all set by 7:00. I hugged Rosalie before she went to get ready herself. I got in the elevator and went down to the kitchen. Jacob and TJ were already dressed and eating at the table. Esme proabably filled their plates up for the fifth time this morning. I leaned over and kissed TJ."Goodmorning. "TJ mumbled a response in between bites. I grabbed a bagel with cream cheese before sitting down. Renesmee came downstairs. She had her hair styled like mine, but with a white dress that had green  polka dots with green leggings and white flats. She was adorable. Renesmee sat beside me and ate her oatmeal that Esme made her. Carlisle came down and kissed Esme's cheek.

"Goodmorning everyone."Carlisle leaned down and kissed Renesmee's head and surprisingly mine. I blushed and continued eating. Carlisle waved to all of us as he left for work. Esme glanced at the time."Come on Alice,Rosalie,Enmett, Jasper,Bella and Edward. Everyone else is down here."I  heard a big whoosh and all of them were in the livingroom. All ready to go.  I stood up and grabbed my pink and black messenger bag, pulling it over my shoulder. Esme hugged me and kissed me like she did everyone else. I held Renesmee's hand as we followed our Family out to the garage. Emmett was driving his jeep, now that he got a top for it.  Alice and Jasper were riding with him. Edward was driving his Volvo of course with Bella, Renesmee and Jacob. Edward had to take Renesmee to the middle school first thats why TJ and I got to drive  the black Honda. It wasn't too flashy, but I actually liked simple cars. Emmett drove out first and Edward followed then we were last.

I watched as Edward drove past the highschool and the Jeep pulled in front of us,going into the parking lot. School would start at 8:30. It was only 7:30 as we parked. I smiled as TJ took my hand."I have Art with you and your history. I never took World history so they put me in it. Plus all of us have lunch together."I  nodded."I never been around so many people. I mean human people. Suplicia, My Father's wife taught me everything."I glanced around at the parking lot that was getting full slowly. TJ kissed me gently and squeezed my hand. I bit my lip as Edward pulled up. Edward opened the door for Bella and they walked hand in hand. Jacob made a gagging sound. We checked the time and made our way to the counseling office. Checking in with the counselors. We recieved our finalized schedules which never changed. TJ and I waved to the others before walking toward our first class.

Art class was fun. I actually enjoyed drawing. I looked at TJ and without thinking about it, I started sketching TJ's sexy face. I quickly folded the sketch up and placed it in my bag. I didn't want the teacher to come by and judge my sketch. It would be embarrassing. The class ended sooner than I liked. I kissed TJ quickly, leaving for my next class. I was shocked that all my classes seemed to fly by then it was lunchtime. I met up with my Family outside the lunchroom. I practically jumped into TJ's arms. I kissed him as we walked into the lunchroom. Every student seemed to drop everything and look our way. I blushed. We all went in line, grabbing food. Only TJ, Jacob and I were going to eat really. Emmett found us a table. I sat down next to TJ, running my fingers through my ponytail. Rosalie spoke up."Grace, how do you like highschool?"Rosalie actually liked me. I mean we were both bitches sometimes. And Bella told me that Rose hated her until she got pregnant. I didn't understand that at all. I smiled."Its good. I love my classes already. I know almost everything too."I blushed. Picking at my food before starting to eat. Edward was listening into the other students' minds. He chuckled."They think we are a family of angels. One girl even thinks we are the greek Gods incarnate."He whispered. We all broke out in a laugh. Emmett slapped his hand down on the table."Oh they will never stop. First Angels, then Gods...its too much."I could tell he was getting a kick out of this. I tightened my gloves around my wrists. I was feeling sick. I guess cafeteria food didn't please my stomach. Or it might be that Emmett threw me into the lake last night. I was frozen almost to death. I sighed. Finishing off my food. The bell saved me. I jumped up, grabbing my tray and throwing it away. TJ wrapped his arm around me as he did the same. We walked together to my next class. He kissed my head and left for his own class. The rest of the day went slower. I finally got to my Creative Writing class, the only class I would die to be in. I was assigned a partner and we were doing a story project in class. Everyday we would meet, pick a story and create something for it. I was partnered up with an  adorable freshman, his name was Hayden. He was a little bit taller than me with short spiky black hair, brown eyes with glasses and had freckles everywhere. I never met a cutie like him. He kind of reminded me of Jane. He was so frail. I was excited to be his partner. The bell rang. Time to go home. I grabbed my bag."Bye Hayden. See you tomorrow."I waved. Going out to meet everyone in the parking lot.

We got into our cars when we all were there. I laid back and yawned. I was so tired. TJ grabbed my hand and squeezed it."I missed you Grace. I'm glad Jacob and Sam allowed me to come with you."I nodded."I missed you too. I made a new human friend. His name is Hayden. He is adorable for a teenager. He is small. And I just...I don't know. I'm not attracted to him. I just think he is adorable. For a human."TJ was about to growl, but broke out into laughter. He shook his head as he followed behind the Jeep.  We pulled up into the garage. Getting out, I held TJ's hand as we walked in. Being greeted by Esme."How was school?"Rosalie shrugged as Emmett pulled her down into his lap. Alice smiled."It was fun."The pixie said as she dragged Jasper into the elevator. I giggled."It was really something. I think I might like going to highschool over and over again."TJ nodded in agreement. Edward and Bella along with Jacob arrived with Renesmee. The little girl was jumping sporadically. She ran to Esme. Touching the woman's cheek and showing her about her day. Renesmee went around the room and showed everyone. I bent down and smiled at the images."That is awesome Nessie. And I'm very happy you were good. All of are proud of you."I picked her up. We both seemed to yawn at the same time. She touched my cheek once more. Showing us taking a nap. I nodded. "Bella, Nessie and I are going to my room for a nap."She smiled."Alright. I will wake y'all up for dinner."And with that I kissed TJ and went with Renesmee up to my room. I held her under the covers, humming to her. And we fell asleep quickly.

I woke up later to find Renesmee out of my arms. I glanced at the window. It was dark outside. I yawned and stretched. Checking the time, it was 10:39. I slept past dinner. I felt my forehead. I was warmer than usually, almost sweating. And I still felt tired. I got up slowly. Going into the bathroom. I splashed water onto my face. I was paler than usual too. I never gotten sick before. I mean hell, I lived in a locked up room with only vampires near me.  I walked to the elevator. My vision started getting blurry. I got into the elevator, pressing the bottom level. Before it went down, I actually dropped to the floor. Everything went black.

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