The Christmas Angels

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*** I have never owned Twilight. Stephanie Meyers and her People do. I just own Grace, TJ, and Xander. And their story Oh for this Chapter I thought it would be good to show you TJ's thoughts and feelings.***


 I had been woken up to being kicked off the bed. Again! And it’s Christmas today. I sat up from the floor. Looking over at Grace, who was still asleep. I shake my head as I get back into bed. This has been my routine every night for two months now. Grace was always uncomfortable. I lay there, watching as she lay on her back. One of her hands was on her stomach, protectively and the other was somewhere beside her. Tonight has been rough like the last two weeks have been; Carlisle declared it wasn't safe for Grace to go to school even for two days so that meant that she would be staying home in bed. Grace isn't too thrilled. Especially when I agreed with Carlisle since now she was about 28 weeks pregnant now.

The twins are getting bigger. Carlisle estimates that Grace is due February 1st, but they could come at any time since they are part vampire and wolf. Grace has been on bedrest since Halloween. My large hand travels over to her and intertwines our hands onto her stomach. I am so happy to have Grace. And now that the twins are on their way, it’s like everything I could ever want. I watch Grace breath in and out. Her chest going up and down.  Her hand squeezes mine as she rolls over closer to me and curls into my side. I can’t help but to wrap my arms around her. One hand stays over her stomach. I feel one of the babies moving.  I smile to myself. Grace groans as she turns over again. I take the opportunity to get out of bed.  I pull on the shorts that I threw to the floor earlier. Walking out of the bedroom, I close the door behind me. I walk down the hall to the guest bedroom, or should I say surprise nursery for the babies and Grace. I slide my hand over the doorway, grabbing the key to unlock the door.

 This is my Christmas gift to Grace. I haven’t let her in this room since I started decorating it. I paid the art club at the school to come in to paint the nursery. I walk into the room. Looking right fast to see if there are any last minute details I need to do before Grace, Jacob and Renesmee wakes up. The Family is having a huge Christmas morning for everyone as soon as the sun peeks over the mountain tops. I pick up the twin teddy bears that were in the rocking chair that was placed in the middle of both cribs.  I hug the teddy bears tightly. I can’t wait for the twins to get here. I think Grace is getting impatient too. I hold in a laugh at the thought.  I almost jumped out of my skin when there was a slight knock behind me. I thought for a second that it was Grace. I turned toward the person and let out a sigh of relief to find that it was Alice.

 “Goodmorning TJ.” Alice smiles, clasping her hands together. “Goodmorning Alice.” I smile back at her. She slowly walks into the room. Looking around. “I couldn’t have done this nursery any better myself. Good job!” Alice hugs me. I hug her back. “Thanks Alice. It means a lot to hear that from you.” Alice scowls at me and lets out a small giggle.  Alice nods. “You’re welcome. You should wake Grace soon. Esme almost has breakfast done.” I nod. “Alright. But if she tries to kill me, come save me.” I chuckle. Alice shakes her head. She skips out of the room. I hear her going downstairs and out of our part of the garage. I place the teddy bears back down onto the rocking chair. Taking one more glance before walking out. I close and lock the door on my way out.

 I cross the hall back into mine and Grace’s room.  Grace is all sprawled out even a little on my side. She looks more comfortable now than she was earlier. I lean down next to her head. Letting my fingers stroke over her cheek. “Grace, Baby. It’s time to wake up.” I whisper into her ear. Grace groans. “Five more minutes, Tyler.” She mumbles, turning over where she isn’t facing me anymore. I slide my hand down her cheek, down her neck and chest to her stomach. Caressing our babies. “Baby, breakfast is almost done. We need to eat so we can open presents.” I say a little louder. Grace throws the covers off her. She slowly sits up. “I’m up.” She mutters. I watch as Grace stands up, pulling her robe on and tying it tightly around her. Then she pulls her red hair up into a ponytail before turning to look at me. “Well let’s go to breakfast before I jump back into bed.” Her greenish gold eyes shoot daggers at me.  I pull on a clean t-shirt.

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