Chapter 16) Tomorrow

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Oh tomorrow
Tomorrow, is not gonna be a good day.

KO laid there in bed, but he knew what tomorrow was gonna be a like. A happy day at Gars Bodega working my shift? Nope Chaos. Woo. He was still holding the letter in his hands. Holding the sides as tight as he could, trying to rip it apart. KO kept reading over the note. Over and over again.

Tomorrow. 12 am. Hell begins.

He wanted revenge, but he never wanted to go this far. Destroy the plaza, again? He would probably get banned from going there. And he didn't want that, right? He just wanted to get some sleep, and forget about all of this. He shouldn't have got involved in the first place. The first place years ago.
"Goodnight KO." His mother said softly while backing out of the doorway. This flashback was familiar to KO by now. It happened a few years ago when he was just a child. Of course, he's forgotten about it multiple times, until the other encounter.

As KO fell asleep, he soon found his way into some place that wasn't a dream. It was more like, his mind? He didn't know where he was. He could feel and hear the surroundings around him, but it was really dark. Could this really be the mind?

He walked around for a bit but not far. He just learned how to walk about a month ago and he didn't really enjoy it. Sooner or later he found something ahead of him. It was a cage, but it wasn't empty. Someone was in it. That's when KO started assuming it was a dream.

He started fast walking over to the cage, but stopped at least three inches away from it. He could clearly see someone in there. They had long brown hair which was easily seen and spiked wristbands, similar to KO's red wristbands except purple.

"H-hewwo?" He spoke to the person in the cage. They turned around to see who said that. He looked exactly like KO, except with his hair down and different wristbands. He had almost the same apparel on, but it was ripped. He was most likely the same age too.

"H-h-hi?" The boy responded. He was usually alone here, so it was surprising that someone else came here.

"What's your name?" KO asked him.
"I-i can't remember. I-i think it was T-TKO?"
"That's a cool name! My name's KO." He responded happily. It's like he had a twin that was unknown. He still questioned what the T was for. So, being the young child he is, he questioned it

"What's the T stand four?"
"I think, uh... Turbo? I was told it was that by someone." KO was confused by what Turbo was. Maybe he could ask his mom?
"That's cool! Wanna be fwiends?"

At this age, KO didn't have many friends. He was used to being with his mom and his babysitter, Punching Judy. He never really went out much, unless Judy couldn't take care of him, then he went with his mom. He would see some teens around the plaza where his mom worked, but never really got the chance to talk to them.

"Y-you rwelly wanna be fwiends?" TKO responded?
"Yeah! I don't have many fwiends, so you could be the first."
"O-okay." He smiled. That was the first time KO saw him smile.

After they accepted being friends, they soon started to do things together. There was one problem though, neither of them could open the cage. Why? Well they're young kids and they weren't capable of opening the cage door at the time.

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