Chapter 6) Unexpected

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   What are you saying?
You are him
Are you high?
No! Just confess it!
I am, but you can't tell

Or else...

•At The Plaza•

It's always quiet in the plaza, in the dawn of day, and the dusk at night. Nobody was at the plaza except for a young kappa girl. She was sitting in the park, messing around with her backpack. Trying to pull something out.

Soon, she found the item she wanted, and a young boy, that we're all farmiliar with came.

"Hey Dendy!"

"Oh! Hello KO." said Dendy.

KO ran up to Dendy, and sat right by her. Dendy looked at him, and blushed a little. KO didn't know this, but Dendy had a crush on him, a big one. NOT THAT BIG, but she did have a crush on him.

"So, you ready to see what's wrong with the Pow Card."

"Yes. We must get started immidietly."

Dendy then got her hackpack set up, and some food out, for her and KO to split.

KO immidietly grabbed a juice box after spotting it, and Dendy got a packet of fruit snacks.

Then, the kids ate their snacks, and then KO grabbed out his Pow Card.

"Okay, now I must hook it up to my system." So then, Dendy did exactly what she said. She grabbed the Pow Card, and hooked it up to her system.

KO just sat there in the grass, with plenty things flowing through his head, but mainly one specific thing.

"You were going to be used in P.O.I.N.T. but they, or rather she declined it, and then now, you're used in order to help me get glorbs."

KO was confused on what it all meant, and who she was, but he let it all pass, once Dendy gasped.

"I figured it out!" She said in awe.

"Really! What was the problem?" He asked the kappa.

"Well the negative 3 connected straightly to TKO, and the glowing yellow 3 lead to another part of you. Anything recent happen to you."

"Well I had spagetti, my mom and Gar went out on a date, I formed PKO with TKO the other night, and we went to go find S.F., I saw Teen Ti-"

"Wait... Who is... PKO?" Dendy asked in confusion, and interrupting KO.

"Well... It's a combined us... I guess. Here's a photo."

KO showed Dendy a photo on his phone, and she was shocked by it.

"Wow... Very Interesting." Dendy said. "You must show me more another day, you need to get to work now."

"Oh!" KO said right when my alarm went off. He grabbed my juice, and ran off "See ya later Dendy!" He said while running in the distance.

Dendy waved bye to him, and looked down. She noticed that he forgot his Pow Card.

"KO! Wai-" she paused and thought to herself.

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