Chapter 65

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"This can't be the answer." Torryn grumbled, crossing his arms over his broad chest. "The lost city of the Sirens is just a myth."

I stared at him, my brows furrowed, as he and Andromeda stood in the doorway of their chambers. They were both dressed in night clothes, which was a strange sight to see. Andi had some strange, white cream covering her face. She wore a robe, and her hair was braided behind her back.

Torryn was shirtless. I felt a bit awkward as he was only wearing a pair of baggy, white sleep pants. Somehow, he looked less intimidating.... Smaller, without all of his usual armor on.

"It seems highly unlikely." Andi agreed, nodding, though her expression was apologetic.

I glanced between them frantically, my hope dying out. "But... It's the only idea we've come across that makes any sense!"

"Hardly." Torryn huffed.

Dristan's hand tightened around mine at my side. "There are myths that have turned out to hold truth. This could be the answer, we shouldn't rule it out right away." He said, defending me. "Even though none have been seen in a century, we know that Sirens exist. So we cannot rule out the existence of this lost city."

Torryn scratched his jaw. "Dristan, you know as well as I do that Sirens are stupid creatures, driven by one, singular instinct. How could they be capable of building an underwater city?"

Dristan's lips thinned.

"What do you mean, stupid creatures?" I asked, confused. "If they haven't been seen in a century, then how would you know?"

Torryn's eyes slid to mine, his eyes growing dark. "They're no more intelligent than dogs. Sirens are hunters. They thirst for blood, it's all they think about. They do not think as we do. They do not converse, they do not know right from wrong, and they certainly do not build cities. They only care about luring unsuspecting men into their waters and devouring them. They are evil." There was anger behind his voice.

I blinked at him, shocked. He'd never spoken to me that way before. In fact, it was the most he'd ever said to me at one time. Why was he so upset about this? We'd faced dangerous enemies before. Were the Sirens truly as terrible as he described? The image of the creatures from the book flashed across my mind and a small rush of dread crept up my spine.

"Mind your tone when you speak to your future queen, Torryn." Dristan growled.

Torryn's eyes fell from mine, and he stared at the ground. There was an awkward moment of silence. "Forgive me." He said, hardly audible.

Dristan did not respond, only stared at him. My hand tightened around his, willing him to calm down. Andromeda reached out and tucked her hand into Torryn's. She gazed at the side of his face, her eyes softening with sadness and sympathy.

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