Chapter 25

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(WARNING: This chapter contains intense, sexual themes that some viewers may find graphic or upsetting. MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. Read at your own risk.)



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I watched Dristan in the mirror as he paced in what I assumed were his quarters. The rooms looked similar to mine, but more modern. He was in his human form again. His hair was wild, standing on end from him constantly running his hands through it. A sure sign that he was upset. But why was he so aggravated? He growled as he paced, punching the wall at one point.

I had to find him. But I had no idea where his quarters were. I growled in frustration as I snapped the mirror shut. I walked into the living room, pacing in front of the coffee table, much like Dristan had been doing. I chuckled at the irony.

"I have to find him..." I whispered to no one as I slumped onto the couch, rubbing my temples. The hangover was subsiding, but I still had a bit of a dull headache. I groaned.

A familiar popping sound went off in front of me and I jumped, gasping in surprise. I snapped my head up toward the sound, and blinked open mouthed as my eyes landed on the coffee table.

Upon it sat a map, a glass of orange juice, and two pain pills. I grabbed the map, squinting at it, and realized it was a map of the Aviary. Each room was labeled, the name of the owner of each chamber scrawled in perfect penmanship beneath the rooms.

I grinned and then scooped up the pain pills, swallowing them eagerly with the crisp, refreshing orange juice. I drank until there was nothing left in the glass.

"Thank you..." I whispered to the magical room.

I jumped up, taking the map with me, and ran to my bedroom. As quickly as possible, I stripped out of my pajamas and slipped into a simple, grey dress. The hem stopped just above my knees, flaring outward from the waist. The neckline was a bit low, but it would do. I quickly slipped on a pair of flat, black slip on shoes and then darted into the bathroom.

I freshened up my make up and untied the braid hanging loosely over my shoulder. It had dried while it had been braided, and when I combed my fingers through it, it hung in pretty, soft waves down to the middle of my back.

Five minutes had passed.

I rushed from the bathroom and to the front door, carefully pulling it open. I peered outside, making sure the coast was clear, before I stepped into the hallway and pulled out the map. I searched for Dristan's name for a moment, scanning the thousands of rooms.

Finally, his name caught my eye. He wasn't far. His rooms were near the grand ballroom, down the opposite end of the hallway from which we'd come yesterday. If I hurried, I could get there in less than twenty minutes.

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