Chapter 13

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"This place is incredible." I said a bit absentmindedly as Dristan and I wandered around the treehouse market district. Beams of midday sunlight shined down on us through the canopies and warmed my skin.

Being cooped up in the guest house for so long, we both needed to stretch our legs. And I was still feeling quite overwhelmed and stressed out from the overload of information I'd been given at breakfast.

Dristan apparently had some business to take care of in town before our departure tomorrow. I would be sad to leave the treehouse village. Even though this place overwhelmed me, I'd still miss it. And I was secretly terrified about meeting Dristan's people... and mine.

Dristan also mentioned that the market was the perfect way to ease my troubled mind. And he'd been right. I had never seen so many goods in all my life! My stress seemed to ebb and flow toward the far edges of my consciousness, still there, but subtle enough that I could breathe easily again.

The market was in the very center of the Bakru village, and was settled around the largest tree I'd seen so far. Numerous shops and carts were circled around the tree's trunk, and even more shops surrounded the outer edges of the platform that had been built around the tree. Some shops were connected by bridges, others were literally inside of the trees, which had been hollowed out in certain areas, and turned into tiny stores and boutiques.

There was more to see than I could keep up with. I paused in front of a female Bakru's bakery cart and marveled at the pies, tarts and baked breads that she had on display. She smiled at me warmly, careful not to show her teeth and frighten me away. I was grateful for that. I inhaled deeply, sighing in contentment while the aroma of baked apples, cherries, cinnamon and nutmeg filled my senses.

"Care for a cherry tart, Lady Brenya?" She asked in a surprisingly lovely voice. It reminded me of wind chimes.

I widened my eyes at her, shocked that she knew my name. I had to get used to the fact that I was a High Lady, a princess, and people were going to know who I was...

"Oh, I-I'd love one, but... I'm sorry, I haven't any money." I said, a bit embarrassed.

"There is no charge for you, dear girl. Please, take one." She smiled and handed me a beautiful, round tart wrapped in brown parchment. The crust on top had intricately carved leaves and flowers baked into it. It had to cost at least five coppers.

"What?" I eyed the tart and then her, unsure of what to do. "I-I couldn't possibly accept such a kind offer... You must've worked so hard on these!" I stammered.

"It would honor me deeply if you would accept it as a gift." She responded, taking my hand and placing the treat in my palm.

I gaped at her, my heart swelling with a sudden warmth. "Thank you." I whispered, giving her the kindest smile I could manage. She lit up at my response and nodded gently.

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