Chapter 15

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(WARNING! This chapter contains violence and sexual themes that some viewers may find upsetting. Read at your own risk.)


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The next day dragged by in a never ending struggle to keep moving. I had completely underestimated how difficult it would be to walk such a great distance. Riding horseback had been much, much less taxing. I wasn't sure if I could take a full week of this.

My feet ached inside of my sodden boots. The sun had been relentless, even through the cover of the treetops, and sweat trickled down my spine in a constant stream. I had drained my canteen several times, and had been delighted to discover that when emptied, it had the ability to magically refill itself with clean, cool water.

Around midday, I'd been brave enough to stray from the creek I'd been walking in. I realized I had to find a different steam if I wanted to keep Dristan off my trail. I ventured out into the forest and kept my bow at the ready, not trusting my surroundings for a single instant. After about a mile of paranoid walking, I eventually came across another creek.

This one was deeper than the last, but I managed. Wading through water was a slower process than waking on land, but it was easier on my legs. Not to mention that the crisp, moving water kept my body from overheating. But still, by the end of the day, my body felt like gelatin and I smelled of perspiration and mud. Nothing about this was easy.

When the sun set, and I felt that I was no longer able to carry on, I exited the water and climbed into a tree near the stream. Wary of predators, I climbed nearly to the very top, and settled on a thick branch. The possibility of falling crossed my mind, but if I slept any further down I could just as easily be killed by a hungry animal.

Or worse...

I set my back gently against the body of the tree and struggled to catch my breath. I pulled my cloak off, tugging it up over my head. I bundled it up and placed it behind my head, like a pillow. The long sleeved shirt I was wearing was on my last nerve, so I pulled that off too. It was too hot for clothes like these. I pulled my knife from my hip and used it to cut off the sleeves of the shirt, creating a makeshift tank top. Much better...

As I waited for my body to cool down, I listened to the forest that surrounded me. The beautiful melody of nature filled my senses. Insects chirped and buzzed while frogs croaked in the distance. The birds sang the sun a goodnight lullaby and welcomed the rising moon. The sounds reminded me of home and I closed my eyes as I listened.

A branch snapped from somewhere far below me.

I told myself it was just an animal...

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