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3 Months Later

Blake and I were now closer than ever, he truly showed himself to me and I was so grateful for everything. There was sunshine after the storm; finally. Although lately I've been getting frustrated, annoyed and uncomfortable when he touched me. Something was different from my usual self, I knew I was a bit petty and childish at times but even Blake's mother noticed a weird difference in my behaviour. She took me aside today and decided to 'get to the bottom' of why I was like this.

"Your majesty, I am fine and please I really don't want to trouble you" I tried to sound very convincing. But like all my plans; it went downhill. She wouldn't take no for an answer and then I had no choice but to go with her.

" We are just going to go to my rooms and then after everything is confirmed you will go about your business" she said. I simply nodded my head and followed her till we reached her rooms. I've only been in it once and the memories there were unpleasant but if she can still sleep in her old room then I totally applaud her for being a brave woman. She opened the door and we both went in. Her room was facing the beautiful gardens and the sun began to shine instantly, I shielded my eyes and tried to regain back my senses.

" Good afternoon, your majesties" said a voice. I shrieked as I jolted in shock. Standing there was Dr Andrew Williamson, the royal family's doctor. I giggled and he started to apologise none stop but I said it was alright.

But a few moments later it hit me! Why was the doctor here? I shared a confused look at both of them but when they didn't say anything I began to feel worried and tense when his mother finally revealed why he was here.

" Dear , the doctor is here because I suspect you might be pregnant. I know it might come across a little bit scary but you are showing the symptoms I had when I was having Blake" she explained. I couldn't speak now and just continued looking at them as if I had seen a ghost. What the hell! This does not make sense , I can't be! Oh gosh what do I do. My legs began to tremble and buckle but out of nowhere Dr Andrew was there to hold me up, he pulled me on to the bed and try calm me down. I was fearful, I knew history was going to repeat itself , oh gosh I began to tear up.

" Brianna , my dear it's perfectly normal to feel scared and worried , but let the doctor check over you" she instructed.

I wiped the tears of my face and nodded for him to check me over, after an hour or so of prodding and saying 'oohs' and 'hmms' the doctor finally spoke, " Your Majesty- " but I infringed hmm and told me to call me Brianna because truth be told I cringed our at my title, I repeated it but is don't want to be seen as someone higher than the people who are all human just like me.

" Brianna, it looks like you are on your early stages of your pregnancy, I felt for the poles of the baby and each baby has two; the head and bottom and from what I gathered it seems there are two children. I will ask you to take a urbane sample for me to confirm it but I am most definitely sure you are going to be a mother to twins. Congratulations" he exclaimed.

Huh! Was he serious.

The doctor or physician whatever they called him left and said he would return in a few hours with more 'instruments' to help assist my 'pregnancy'. I lay there staring into nothingness when Blake's mother after a few attempts got my attention. " My dear , this such great news , how will you be telling Blake? she asked. I didn't know I said and begged her not to tell Blake until everything was confirmed, I don't know why I didn't want him to know yet! I wasn't exactly ecstatic at this.

That must of been her queue to leave because she took the hint and said she would give me space. But before she left she said something that shook me to the core.

" I know you and Blake lost your baby during your honeymoon, and I know Blake hurt you in the most horrible way but one thing Blake is and my husband was not is he's capable of love. Having children will definitely bring the tremor of love to his heart" she said before slowly shutting the door behind herself. I sat up and just began to cry, I felt relief at her words because I was scared he was going to abandon me. I got off the bed and decided to find him and tell him.

I began searching for him but I looked everywhere, it was now one hour of searching for him and it was starting to get boring and that's when I bumped into the Doctor. " Hello again , the results came a little fast , would it be possible to speak to you for a bit in private" he insisted.

I complied and we went to the study that was closer and he began to explain how my urine sample matched that of pregnant woman. He questioned me on my sexual activity and when I last had my mensuration cycle. I got really shy and awkward but eventually. told him all that he needed to know.

" Oh yea and I forgot to mention doctor that my mensuration is irregular, so you are saying I have been pregnant for a while now?" I asked.

" Yes , it looks as though you are around three months, although you are not showing , there is nothing to worry about as some woman don't show straightaway" he said. He finished our conversation by saying that he will be moving into the palace until I give birth and that he will be on standby if anything happens. We both went our spectate way as and now I started to feel a tingling tug in my belly, maybe from the feeling of my babies or the fact I was pregnant. I began to feel a whole lot better at this thought.

I continued with my search for Blake when I bumped into a maid who directed me to him. He was outside by himself drinking and looking out into the sunset, it was incredibly beautiful as the hues of red and orange interconnected with one another, this was defiantly the perfect moment and I had to say something. He saw me coming towards him and a smile drew on his face and I smiled back shyly.

"Blake , I have something to tell you" I said with a grin on my face.

I approached him and held his hand towards my belly and place it there. He looked at me puzzled before it clicked in his head. He started to scream and shout with happiness , he began to speak nonsense but all I could do was giggle with happiness. He pulled me into a hug but gently and held me there before kissing me on the cheeks and lips. We must of been loud because the house maids and the servants ran out to see what was going; with Suha in tail.

" What is going on?" She said.

" Brianna is pregnant!" Blake blurred out.

Suha gasped and ran towards me gauging me and screaming congruations to me. I thanked her and couldn't believe at the reactions I was receiving. The servanrs and maids clapped and congratulated us before heading back inside but I stopped them dead in their tracks.

" Please do take the day off tomorrow and today and go home to your families" I said. They all smiled and thanked me before all hurrying to get ready to go home. I did that because I was feeling amazing and also I wanted the three people I loved to be in the world to be with me. Blake pulled me into a hug once more before saying something that left me on the verge of crying.

" You don't know how happy this has made me, I promise I will be the father my father was not. I am so happ-" but before he could finish the sentence he let out a little sob and I smiled and hugged him.

For once in a long time I felt happy.

He was happy.

His forced love(BWWM) (interracial)         (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now