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During the evenings Blake always went riding with his mother or father. But this evening he went with his mother; which I was kind of happy about. It gave me an opportunity to get 'closer' to his dad without him being there.

Even though, I never ever been in a relationship apart from this 'marriage' I knew an awful lot about relationships , seduction and how a woman can 'lure' a man into complete weakness. I knew the weakest spots of men. I had the tendency to watch people around me and their relationships. I sat on my bed pondering on how to 'approach' his dad without him suspecting anything.

Then it hit me! He always had a weird muddy bath. According to the doctor that assisted him all the time , it got rid of bad back and some chronic illnesses. He always walked past 'our' room; not that Blake slept in this room since we got back from the honeymoon. To my relief I could get a night's rest even though I always felt my brain was awake.

I stopped daydreaming and got off my bed. I got dressed into my maroon silk nightdress that had frills of lace. I adjusted it made sure to show some cleavage. I stood in front of the mirror and took a deep breath. I had to do this for Suha. I needed her. God knows what's happening to her. The thought of anything as bad as what happened to me ever being inflicted on her gave me goosebumps.

I shivered a little before brushing it off and looking normal when I 'bump' into his dad.

I headed for the door and listened for his loud footsteps and his shallow breathing.


I waited for what felt like eternity when I heard him coming past the room. I opened the door and 'carelessly, bumped into his dad. We both went tumbling on top of each other. I let out a fake squeal as he scrambled underneath me. After a few moments of bumping, pushing and moving our bodies off each other ;we were off each other.

" Oh please your mad heart forgive me for my clumsiness!" I pretend to be ashamed as I looked on the ground as I looked on the ground.

He raised his hand and said " Don't be silly my lady, it was due to the carelessness of my doctor speaking to me and distracting me. Are you alright? Hope you didn't hurt you exquisitely body? He smirked at me.

I let out a shy smile and assured him I was fine. The whole time I was talking to him he was checking my body out. I felt my stomach revolt but I couldn't backdown now.

I fluttered my eyelashes and started to walk towards him. He looked taken back at my response to his flirty behaviour.

" Your Majesty I was wondering since it's your birthday tomorrow if you and me could go riding. I feel I don't have a connection with my father in law!" I smiled. He stayed quiet as my heart started racing as anxiety started building up. I hope he doesn't react negatively towards my offer.

" That sounds like a good idea because Blake seems to be hogging you all to himself!" He laughed. I played along and laughed in a girly voice. I continued to tease him and flirted with him before we parted ways. I sprinted back to my room as I could hear Blake retiring back home. It was an oddly short ride I thought to myself. I couldn't care less though as I had a 'formal date' to go to.

I needed to prepare for it because i knew deep down it was going to be an eventful day. I called for the maids to prepare me the perfect dress and undergarments. They smiled amongst themselves as they got my attire ready. I was one step closer to Suha and then I needed another step and we would be able to get away from here.

As I was finishing my nightly duties Blake barged in with so much full force that the door nearly flew off its hinges. I looked up startled and shared him a mixture of emotions. From angry that he still thinks he can control my life to what is his problem?!

" So I hear from my 'f-father' that you are going riding with him. I am barred from attending. What are you playing at!' He fumed.

" I simply want to get to know him. He's the only one in this 'family' that doesn't show me any disrespect" I replied. That story was half the truth though. I did get respect from him but it was only because he fancied me. It was something I was going to use to get me leverage. I wasn't going to tell Blake this though.

" Are you fucking stupid, if you don't cancel it I swear to god I wil-'' I instantly cut him off , my smart mouth was out of control.

" What? Beat me , rape me ? I have endured more than anything living! Your threats mean nothing to me and if you want to attack me be my guest but I'm STILL going for a ride with your dad" I remarked.

Instantly his nostrils started falling. Of course that's what you expect when your ego is deflated and your manhood is tested. His fists started to clench and unclench as I stood there unable to shift. I felt uncomfortable and a bit scared. He normally just lunged and attacked but he was staring at me in a creepy manner.

I started to flap my hands to my face as an indication for him to hit me on the face. I was kind of antagonising him. I prayed he walked away.

"Go on then! Hit me you foolish being!" I continued to get under his skin. He didn't move but then suddenly he did the unthinkable. He walked....away. Straight out of the door. Obviously not forgetting his signature slamming of the door.

I stood there gobsmacked and then mentally slapped myself got triggering him. I needed to get off my high horse and stop being so arrogant. I needed to overcome this issue of pride and find ways to not cross him even if it means I have to look 'weak'. I had to keep alive in order to find Suha and escape. I needed to remind myself this plan over again.

It was midnight now as I lay in my bed. I started to doubt myself and whether I made a mistake.

Could I really seduce his dad?

Could I put myself through this?

As those questions played in my mind I drifted off to sleep.

His forced love(BWWM) (interracial)         (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now