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I looked agast ! I began to tear up a little. For all the times I prayed to become infertile I now desperately wanted to take back my stupid wishes. I shouldn't of wished to be childless. This meant that it was not Blake's fault our baby was gone. I felt stupid and pathetic, I lay there next to Blake and just started to cry. He instantly held me closer. He started to rub me softly to calm me down. I hic-uped as I slowed down my crying.

"B-Blake I want Suha , just please take her to me" I begged.

" Brianna when you were asleep a few hours ago I called for the servants to go and fetch Suha. She is downstairs waiting for you" he assured.

I instantly perked up and couldn't believe what I was hearing. I kept if asking him if he was serious to which he kept on replying 'yes'. I looked into his eyes; once hallow and empty and just smiled whilst giving him a peck on his cheek. I swear I saw tinge of red before he looked the other way to hide his embarrassment. I smirked and got off the bed gently. I winced and but masked it quickly as I headed towards the door. Blake was instantly by my side and put his arms around me. We both walked off to the hallways and straight to the dinning hall. My stomach started doing backflips.

I approached the handle of the door and breathed out and then cautiously opened the door. At the sound of the creak Suha turned towards me and shrieked our a 'I'm so glad to see you' shriek. She ran towards me as my feet did the same. We embraced roughly and both started to tear up. I held her for what felt like the longest but I couldn't bring myself to let her go. Eventually, we both slowly let go of each other.

"Brianna I freaking missed you. I can't believe you hare here in front of me and your mouth didn't get you killed?" She sighed out.

" Still here!" I remarked. I guess that was a trigger for Suha because she got pissed off and started to rant how she was worried sick about me and how she prayed everyday that you were safe but fighting for my rights. I smiled at her and lifted my hands and cupped her face as a tear streamed down her face. I began to tear up again as I shushed her and soothed her. I guess it was silly and insensitive to ask her 'how she has been' but I needed to know she was not hurt.

" A-are you alright? Has anyone hurt you" I asked wearily. She clocked what I was talking about and she shook her head as an indication that she was not hurt. I instantly gave her another big hug and smiled with relief. I would get hurt a million times before I let anything happen to her. She was two years younger than me; thus why I don't want her to suffer in any way. We were both so wrapped up in our conversation that I totally forgot that Blake was standing there so uncomfortable. I honestly was grateful he felt this way because I he now understood at what he has put us through.

I looked at him for a second but our eyes met and instantly turned away; my cheeks tinted with a shade of pink.

" Blake...thank you" I said.

He looked caught off guard, probably because he assumed I was going to throttle him or fight him. But I'm glad I held my tongue and maintained my composure even though, deep down I wanted to fuck him up. I guess I will leave that for another day. He nodded his head and a few seconds later left his spot to leave the room. I guess good things come to those who wait; even if I'm not perfect.

" Brianna how are you feeling, I was informed about losing your baby. Do you blame Blake ?" Suha randomly asked. To be honest I was caught off guard, I really didn't want her to know about my misfortune. I didn't want to look weak or broken in front of her; call me prideful I don't care. But I told her about what happened according to the doctor.

" I don't b-blame him, he has been through enough and I will not stoop to his level by bashing him for something that might or might not be his fault."

She nodded and we both fell into silence. It was a little awakard talking about our woes and that's when I suggested we should take a nice walk around the garden and maybe get something to eat later; curtsy of the chef. She smiled at the chance and pulled me into her side and linked my arm with hers; and off we went to the gardens. One thing that I was always happy but annoyed at the same time was Suha always forgave too easily. There were obviously the good and bad. The bigger picture is she will always be better than me in terms of giving second chances. So could I really give Blake a second chance? On my wedding day people were envious of my position but was it all real or fake.

Was I really considering this? I really needed advice and that's when I asked Suha something I wouldn't of considered in my life.

" Do you think I can grow to love Blake?"

She stopped in her tracks and I started to worry about her reaction. I started to stutter to say 'never mind' but she told me to 'shut up'. I obliged and looked at her trying to read her mind but she caught me off guard when she smiled.

" I strongly believe you will get your happily ever after. And as much as I detest it I think he will be the one to finally love him. Call me a hopeless romantic but I know he can make you happy. Just find his deep wounds and you will heal him, whilst he does the same" she said whisky squeezing my arm for comfort and reassurance. I started to tear up , I begged my mind to distract me from him but it was getting hard to breath as my heart enlarged for his love.

" But I feel sick to even consider ever loving a monster of a man" I choked out a cry.

" Yes, it's sick but most of the time the sick always get healed. Also I feel as though he is starting to slowly heal from whatever turned him into the monster he was. I know it's hard to swallow even for me but just remember I just want you tone happy again so do what you desire I will support you either way." she rebutted.

Through the corner of my watery eyes I saw Blake walking through the gardens and then glance at us before he waved at us. My knees began to buckle but I held myself up enough to begin to run. My feet ran in his direction as he looked at me in confusion but not moving from where he was standing . I ran and ran ; almost tripping over my dress as I jumped on him as I kissed his lips. I kissed him so roughly, for a moment I hesitated because I was worried he was going to push me off him but he didn't. He kissed me back and held me so tight.

We finally let go off he each other and he lifted his hands and stroked my cheeks like I did to Suha.

" I am sorry, I am still living through the pain of hurting someone like you. I am sorry I couldn't be a dad, someone you can trust and fight side by side not fight against." he said.

And there it was, tears.

His macho and toughness disappeared as his face pooled up with tears. He was crying and crying. I gripped him into a hug even though I had to tiptoe to reach his incredible height of six foot five. He kissed me on my neck as he continued to apologise. I had finally hit his soft spot and now he knew I was willing to heal with him. I see it now, he was merely someone who was hurt beyond repair but maybe I was the one who has healed him.

" Blake, promise me you will grow from this?" I said lastly.

" Brianna I promise to be more of a man I was to you. I hurt the one woman I loved since I was a child but not anymore" he said whisky kissing me again. And from there we held each other, without any animosity or anger, without any stress or fighting. We stood there as the sunshine evangelical to light down on us as if the heavens have opened up to indicate a fresh start.

" I love you" he blurted out.

I instantly froze in his embrace.

His forced love(BWWM) (interracial)         (COMPLETE)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें