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When I regained consciousness I found myself in bed. It must of been the next day because I could see daylight and I was somehow in my nightdress. I turned to my left but winced; my body was aching and my head was sore. I lay there confused when a few seconds reality hit me hard. I started remembering all that happened. Shock was an understatement of how I was feeling. I was so thankful but scared but nervous but angry. My body started to tremble as I couldn't contain my rage any longer. I was shattered from everything, everywhere I went someone one was hurting me and I didn't understand what I ddI to deserve this. Tears started to streak down my eyes and then out of nowhere I let out an agonised scream. I screamed and screamed until my lungs couldn't take it anymore and almost turned blue.

I heard my door slam open and there was Blake standing there; panting as if he had ran marathons. I started hitting myself and screaming excessively. I started shouting inaudible sentences as Blake ran to my side and tried to stop me from battering my fragile face.

" Let me go!" I cried out.

" My soul is done and now I just had to die" I threatened. Hoping he would back off but prayed he would hold me and comfort me. I decided to play with fire and my stupid foolish self decided to get in bed with the devil.

" Stop it Brianna! For once just shut up and listen to what I have to say" he said as if I  was enjoying pissing him off. I eventually calmed down whilst his long arms laced around my small frame and held me in the most comforting embraces I've ever been exposed to. I lay on his chest listening to the soft beats of his heart. This was the first time we could be around each other without attempting to kill one another.

We sat in silence for what felt like centuries and that's when Blake spoke up. " Bri I know haven't been the most caring and kind husband to you but I promise you he will never hurt you again". I untangled from him and looked at him confused. What did he mean by this? I looked at him wearily and then realisation hit me. The last thing I remembered was his dad on top of me and Blake strangling him!

" What!" I choked out.

Did he? No! He couldn't of ?!

He must of read my facial expression.

" Yes he's dead and he died of a heart attack. His funeral will be held tomorrow. I guess he decided to over do himself" he smiled slightly but it was not a relieved smile. It was a pitiful smile. I knew he was hiding something because I could tell when someone even as cold as Blake lies. But I didn't care for once and decided to mind my own business. I lay back on his chest not caring that I was in dire need of a cuddle. Blake who was sat on the edge moved up and slid his whole body under the sheets. His soft arms rubbed against my waist as we sat there in silence again. I put my slender arms around his waist and started to slowly rub my hands over his chiffon shirt creating circular motion.

I didn't understand what overtook me but I couldn't bring myself to stop whatever I was doing next. I could feel his body tensing at every touch by the way he was gripping my night dress. My body started to react and tingle as I felt his broad hands caress the tip of my thighs. I raised my head to look at him and here he was staring back. It was so refreshing but deadly as I knew what he was capable of I quickly stopped what I was doing and used the excuse that I was tired to get him to stop.

" Blake I-I" I started to stammer.

He hushed me and held his hand on my face.
"I know" he said. I was starting to get these weird tingling feelings as if I was star stuck. My body moaned for his attention. My body was smiling at his presence. I had to repress myself until I figured out what was going on.

I thanked him for understanding and with that he kissed my head and left the room. He was attentive and reassuring something I craved for in a man. Blake was beginning to break down that demon shell he wore as a disguise to hide his true pain. I started to daydream into the world I always dreamed of. It was a stress reliever. I must of dozed off because my peaceful dream was untrusted by the horrors of what happened yesterday. I shot up and let out a loud hiss. I totally forgot my brains were smashed. I couldn't sleep let alone be in this room by myself.

I slowly rolled out of bed and fast paced ran to Blake's room. I unlocked his door and there he was fast asleep. I slowly walked up to his oak king sized bed but before I could walk closer to him, his creaking floorboards gave me away and he shot up. He looked around and saw my silhouette in the dark standing there.

" Brianna?" He called out confused.

" Yes?!" I said almost whispering.

He sat up straight and guided me to the side of his bed. He pulled me closer to him. He got the hint straightest about my nightmare because he shuffled over his bed and I got in his bed. As much as I hated him for harming me and Suha even if his embrace was fake in my eyes I just needed a bit of love. I got in his bed and instantly latched on to him. He was caught off guard but embraced me instead of shouting and hitting out at me. I guess he needed some love too because that night was the first time since our marriage of five months we shared a bed voluntarily.

Some would say I was in bed with the devil but I knew I was safe that night. That tingling sensation in my belly never left me. I hoped it wasn't something bad.

His forced love(BWWM) (interracial)         (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now