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That night I was tossing in bed a lot. I felt very nervous and I couldn't explain why. There was a lot on my mind I guess. I woke up around five in the morning and just stayed in bed.

I suddenly heard a door creaking and glanced at to see where the noise was coming from. Unfortunately it was mines and stood there was Blake. He smiled at me politely but I didn't smile back. I shared a confused look with him but obviously as much as I wanted him out of the room I knew it would never happen.

He walked to my bed sheepishly and sat on the edge of it. I sat up and watched him closely. I was honestly done fighting him but if he wanted to fight I'd gladly use every bone in my body to fight him off. But he didn't move to randomly attack me. He just watched me.

" What is it?" I said unimpressed.

" We are both going to move into the smaller palace. You know where it is right?" He spoke with a monotone voice.

"Why? I asked.

He ignored me and got up to leave when I got annoyed and asked again. He still didn't answer the question as I sat there confused. He looked back at me with a very pissed off face before walking out and slamming the door behind him.

What was his problem. I was fine living in the palace. There were enough people to distract me from him and now he wanted me to be in a small place where I would be around him more! Forget it I thought!

I hopped out of bed and put on my night gown on and slippers before heading off to find him. I needed to get some things of my chest. I honestly didn't care if he was going to get triggered like a litter hormonal girl. As I left to find him my heart started to race, I felt a bit of anxiety because I honestly didn't need his grief. I was walking or more like storming through the hallways when I saw one of the maids. I didn't quite know her name but when she saw me she bowed and said her greetings.

" Excuse me do you know where I could find Blake" I asked.

She smiled and gave me the co-ordinations where I could find him. It was weirdly hard finding him because he was in some dungeon looking part of the palace; that I've never seen.

I walked down the marble stairs and I could hear the echoes of my slippers slapping the floor. I came across a room that was dimly light with candles by the looks of it. I slowly crept up behind the door and there was Blake. He had his hands on his head. He looked distraught. He was truly not his arrogant , manipulative and confident self; not that I liked it.

I slowly opened the door and obviously the door had to creek. His head shot up instantly. He looked at me waiting for a reason as to why I was here.

" What did you mean we are moving out. And don't you ignore me for heavens sake!" I demanded.

He stood up and came a few inches from my face. I stood there not moving but very alert. " I fucking said we are moving I don't need to explain it myself!" He shouted. Specs of spit was instantly hit my face. I couldn't deal with his insensitivity once more and I just lost it.

" I ain't going now where without Suha!" He instantly tensed up.

He took a step back and that was my queue to continue my rant.

" Yes that's right! You honestly think I forgot about my best friend. My sister and most of all my family! I will not move an inch more. You can continue to control my life. Kill my unborn chil-,"

But before I could finish what I was saying. He caught on to me and shoved me hard against the wall. I groaned in agony as I felt my shoulder crunch against the concrete wall. I saw him coming towards me and I grabbed the a book that was hanging from an old book shelf and threw it on his head. He wasn't fast enough to dodge it. It struck him hard and straightaway blood started pouring down his forehead.

He looked shocked but it turned into rage and he started to walk towards me menacingly. " Stay the fuck away from me you deranged animal! I swear I will kill you! I screamed out.

This was the first time I actually cried out painful tears in front of him. Apart from when I miscarried which was more of a medical situation. I saw he stopped moving. His expression was pained. My chest was heaving up and down as I tired to control myself from crying a river of tears.

" I-I am s-sorr-," he stuttered.

I didn't give him a chance to speak further as I shoved past him out of the room. He followed me almost running after me.

" I don't want him to touch you!" His voice pained.

I stoped dead in my tracks and stayed in that position before saying , " You really think you have me! You can't even have me no matter what you try! What makes you think he will have me".

I left him there as I practically sprinted to my room. I let out a scream of anguish and started to smash up the paintings , portraits of flowers and other innovate objects. I couldn't take it anymore. I was going to run away. I was going to leave after I find Suha some way. I need her before I lose it.

His heartless scum can die a lonely miserable life.

I needed to hatch a plan.

I needed to use the only pawn I had in this game.

His dad!

His forced love(BWWM) (interracial)         (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now