Overprotective! PJ & Cil X Bubbly! Reader

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(feel free to change genders, this was written intending for the reader to be female)

* You receive your oneshot


A small, panicked noise left you as you clung to the pole.

"Careful, (Y/n)! It's icy." PJ warned gently, taking your arm and helping you keep your balance.

"You're telling me! Jeez, winter sucks!" You replied, stepping past the ice patches on the sidewalk.

"You say that every year." Cil commented.

"If I didn't, then you guys would think my opinion changed!"

They both playfully rolled their eyelights at you, and you three fell into a joke-filled conversation as you stepped up the school's steps, using the banister for support.


It was your first class, and you had a few minutes before the class actually started. You sat at your desk, waiting as you (whatever you do to pass time in school). You glanced up after noticing someone walking by you. You caught their gaze, and they winked at you. You felt a slight heat rise to your cheekbones, but you merely turned your head back to whatever you were doing after giving them a small wave.

This continued on throughout the day.

They kept winking and trying to hold your hand. At one point they gave you a (fav snack/candy), which you thought was nice of them, until they tried to kiss your cheek.

Not wanting to be rude, you gently pushed them away and moved on to your next class: gym. (Me: *sarcastically* yay... Dove: why are you being sarcastic? You're not in the story Me: A. i wrote this in gym, B. im being sarcastic for the readers that hate gym)

You sighed when you stepped out of the locker room, but you grinned and made your way over to your brothers.

"Wassup dorks?" you asked when you made it over.

"Your words offend me." PJ snarked, crossing his arms. Cil and you laughed.

"How are classes?" Cil asked nicely, turning back to you.

"Same as usual. Although one person's been getting too nice."

"What does that mean?"

As if on cue, said person trotted past you, waving and winking. You groaned as soon as they were gone.

"See what I mean?"

Your brothers were not happy, you could tell. You feared their reaction if they knew that person tried to kiss you. PJ reached out and patted your head.

"Don't worry sis, we'll take care of it."

You smiled.

"Thanks guys."


By the end of the day, the person had stopped bothering, even slipping an apology note in your locker. You met up with your brothers outside of the school, and gave them a grateful smile as you walked home together.



Laurin(my DR OC): YEET *throws confetti*

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