ReaperTale Bros X Scared! Caring! Reader

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Requested by @killerkamen

SINCE MY DIGITAL DRAWING APP WAS BEING A B**** AND KEPT CRASHING(making me lose EVERYTHING), you guys are lucky today. YA GET TO SEE MY HANDIWORK (which looks a lot better than my digital drawings in my opinion.)

I couldn't think of anything for the feet/lower body so EGH

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I couldn't think of anything for the feet/lower body so EGH.

You and your siblings were reapers. Papyrus was called Painless Death, where he would help the peaceful non-corrupted souls to the underworld. Where Sans would take them by force if they resisted. You were unforgiving death, meaning you would find the souls that gave out guilty auras. Most of them were people who had just committed suicide and regretted it. Other times it was where people died when they were in a coma and don't remember what happened. You were there to make sure they were calm before going to the underworld.
That's also what you were doing right now.

You had just found a soul who had committed suicide and they instantly regretted it. You could tell they were a kindness soul, since they were a light green outline of a human. A brighter green glowed on their wounds.
Your feet gently touched the bright grassy green carpeted floor as you entered their room. Their sobs grew louder when they saw you.
"H-hey! It's ok! Everything's ok!" You said softly as you stepped closer a little, lowering your scythe as to not scare them. You crouched down in front of them.
"I-I'm sorry! I-I just...*sniff* couldn't t-take it a-anymore!!!" They sobbed. You mentally sighed, it was like this a lot with souls like these, especially children, but you had patience.
"It's ok. I'm here to make sure your soul doesn't suffer any longer." You explained, keeping that soft tone of voice. They sniffed, before calming down and nodding. You held out your hand and they hesitantly took it. They then turned into their heart form of the soul. Setting the soul into the gem in your necklace - so it would be easier to transfer - you stood and teleported away before their parents could come in. The strong sorrowful emotions from mortals in these situations often depleted your energy if they saw you. It happened on rare occasion, which then turned into a long explanation of who you were, why you were there, and the even longer explanation of 'they'll be save' and 'they won't suffer any longer'. It was tiring.

Arriving to the underworld where you and your siblings kept all the souls, you released the ones you had collected, some came from the gem on your scythe, and the rest from your necklace. They held the same purpose, but you had both in case you had to travel for a while or there was a lot of souls for you to reap.
A few souls came over and circled around you. You smiled, you were like a mother to them almost, making sure they were all calm and happy.
You looked around at the calm souls that floated around the place. Just then you saw a small group looking agitated. Floating up to them, you stretched your hand out to the glowing hearts, hoping to calm them down. You felt a presence behind you, seeing the souls become more agitated. You turned to see a child with a black dress(?) on. (Not sure if you could call it a dress??? Idk what u guys think?) They had pink cheeks and hollow black eyes. They smiled wickedly and your vision went black.


You could feel the souls run away from you as you felt your body move on its own. You could see once again, but that was it. You could only watch.
You turned to see your brothers enter. The child's voice came out through you as it taunted them.
"Aw, is someone looking for little (Y/n)?~ I'm sorry, but she can't pick up the phone right now. Why? Oh, she's being possessed by ME!!!"
You remember who this was now. It was Chara, the one who had killed Life, who would still be dead if Sans hadn't found her.
"Chara!" Sans snarled as he grabbed his scythe.
"We have to be careful Sans, we could end up hurting (y/n)..." Papyrus mumbled. Yet Chara heard him.
"Right you are Papyrus! Or, I could just do myself!" Chara cackled as they appeared behind you, still in control of you. Next thing you know your slammed into the ground, pain racking your body. You were then thrown into the wall as your brothers started running towards Chara. Feeling Chara's hold you loosen, you quickly hid as Chara was distracted so they couldn't possess you again. A few souls - mostly Bravery souls - followed you and surrounded you in a protective way. You could hear your brothers and Chara fighting, yet your hiding spot blocked off your view. Your HP was surprisingly fine for the most part, yet you could tell there was a crack along the back of your head and over your eye.
After a while the sounds of fighting stopped. You sat there for a few moments before peeking out of your hiding spot. It took a moment for Papyrus to notice you and came running over with Sans.
"(Y/n) are you alright?" Pap asked, helping you keep balance as you stood up.
"F-For the most p-part, yeah." You stuttered, still shaken.
"What happened?" Sans asked, the souls starting to come out of their hiding places.
"I d-don't know...they just c-came out of nowhere..." you muttered, trying to figure out how they got in. You hardly noticed Papyrus healing the crack on your head.

-Time Skip-

It's been a few weeks after that whole incident. Things have gone back to normal. When you and your siblings weren't collecting souls, you often liked to steal Sans' scythe and watch him run after you with it.

"(Y/N)!!! GET BACK HERE WITH MY SCYTHE!!!" He yelled as he chased you.
"No way dude! Hahahaha!"
Papyrus and the others watched from afar, laughing. Even Gaster had a smile on his face.

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