Swapfell Bros X Younger! Mean! Reader

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Here we go!

You were quite mean to other kids and got into arguments and fights quite often at school. A lot of the kids avoided you. But you didn't care.
You were walking home when you heard someone shouting for help.
Running over, you saw some kids picking on a goat monster. They were throwing fake punches and shoving him around.
(At first I was going to have it be MK, but then I remembered that in every Swap universe him and Asriel are swapped sooo....yeah)
At first, you were going to leave until one of the punches connected with the kids face, hard. This struck you as you ran over, getting ready to hit them in the heads with bone you held like a baseball bat. Yet the bullies dispersed as they ran. You sighed as you glared at the kid who got punched.
"Hey! Next time you get bullied like that, fight back. Wimp." You snapped, despawning your weapon before turning and walking away.

You often had to go to an after school post because of your brother. Which you didn't mind, gave you time to think rather than being stuck at home alone all day. Once you got to your post, you sat down at the stool and kicked your feet up on the counter as you munched on a chocolate bar. No one but Sans or Papyrus ever came by, so you were chill at the moment.

But your chill didn't last long.

You looked up to hear footsteps, you saw the kids from earlier walking towards you. You mentally shrugged, stuffing more chocolate in your mouth as you gave them your famous deadpan stare. Yet you wondered, why were they smirking? You prepared yourself for whatever they might throw at you.
They started laughing.
"What the hell are you idiots laughing at?" You asked.
"You're brothers aren't as strong as they seem. I mean, they didn't even stand a chance against my big brother." One of them said, their bigger sibling cracking his knuckles for emphasis. You narrowed your eyes, Sans and Pap were strong. They wouldn't be brought down that easily.
"Yeah right. Why don't you run along and go sit with your mommy before I have to give you a spanking for bothering me?" You spat. They laughed again before one of them took out a scarf and jacket out of a backpack. They looked strikingly like your brothers. Shock shone in your eyes as they glowed.
"How did you-?!?!"
They cackled before a bone zipped through the air through one of their chests, killing them instantly. When they saw you, your eyes erupted in flaming magic. They dropped the items and tried to run, but didn't get very far when you Gaster blastered them.
Picking up your brothers belongings, you put the items on to be closer to your brothers before you set out to find them. You still would not accept that they were dead.

You ran through Snowdin, your eyes darting back and forth frantically. You couldn't call because you left your phone at home and Papyrus' wasn't in his jacket. Luckily no one you really cared about was out to judge you as you ran around like a madman. You did your best not to cry. You snapped at anyone who asked you what was wrong.
After hours of searching you found nothing.
You searched your house. Nothing. Your looked at Muffets. Nothing. You looked everywhere.
You wandered through Snowdin Forest. Your emotions were out of whack. You didn't know whether to punch something or someone, scream, or break down and sob.
You apparently did all three at once.
You punched the nearest tree as you let out an enraged scream before tears flowed down your cheeks as you dropped to the ground. You then heard footsteps as you sobbed.
You stopped, that was Sans' voice. You looked up to see your brother standing in front of you.
You ran towards him and gave him the biggest hug you've ever given him as you sobbed into his shoulder. He quickly returned the hug.
"What happened?!"
"S-s-some jerks t-tr-tried to te-tell me y-y-you a-and Paps were...were..." you couldn't finish your sentence. Sans nodded though, understanding.
"Did you seriously believe them?" Sans growled. You quickly shook your head.
"N-no!! I-it's just...I couldn't find you..." you muttered. Sans sighed, hugging your shaking form tighter.
"This explains why they took off with my scarf and Pap's jacket." Sans muttered.
"Did...they hurt you?"
"No course not...just my sense of pride..." he muttered the last bit.
"You mean your ego?"
"Why you-!!!"

You ran through Snowdin Forest. You decided to check the first place you could think of. The door to the ruins. Papyrus would take you to visit the person on the other side every now and then.
You didn't find Papyrus, so you knocked on the door and asked if he's been here earlier today. The person on the other end said yes, and that he was just there. You thanked them before running off.
"Pap?! Sans?!" You called, hoping to get an answer. You got nothing. After you searched for a few hours, you began to lose hope.
"Is something the matter, (y/n)?"
You turned to see Temmie behind you. Your eyes narrowed, he's speech wasn't his normal way of talking.
"Why, whatever happened to your brothers??? Did something happen to them?" He asked, starting to circle around you.
"No answer? That's fine. Ya know...I could help you find them, for a price at least." He said, grinning as he nuzzled your leg like a cat. Truth was, he always had ways of convincing you, no matter the situation.
"So c'mon, what do you say?" He grinned, extending a paw for you to shake. You were about to respond when a bone shot through the air across Temmie's back.
Your head whipped around to see Papyrus, his eye ablaze in anger.
"Papy!" You exclaimed as you started to run to him, Temmie running in fear of being killed.
You wrapped your arms around Papyrus, starting to sob.
"I-I'm s-sorry Pa-"
"Just shut up (y/n), you have nothing to be sorry about." He interrupted. You both sat there for a few minutes as you cried silently.
"Jesus, first those brats stealing my jacket and Sans' scarf and now Temmie trying to make you join the dark side." He muttered.
"A...are you and Sans ok?" You replied, he nodded giving you a soft smile. He then picked you up and took you home.

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