Protective! Cross! Sans X Younger! Untrusting! Reader

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Here take this

BTW I've only watched Underverse, while there is the comic, I really don't know where to find it so this is the best ur gonna get

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BTW I've only watched Underverse, while there is the comic, I really don't know where to find it so this is the best ur gonna get.
But, from what I read online, the comic takes place before Underverse. So, let's begin.

You sat in the white void around you. First your hanging out with your bro, Papyrus, and next thing you know everything is gone. You sat and cried for a few hours before falling asleep everyday.
Yet today was different.
Instead of haunting silence, you heard a pair of footsteps. You looked up to see someone walking towards you. They were skeleton with a brown scarf and a giant paintbrush, they also had black paint on their cheek.
A few leftover tears fell down your face as they crouched in front of you.
"Are you ok?" He asked. You slowly shook your head, leaning away a bit.
"What happened?"
You hesitated before you explained what had happened to him, tears threatening to fall more and more.
"I just...wish I could see them again..." you whispered, hiding your face in your knees and arms. You felt two arms wrap around you hesitantly. You tensed up rather quickly.
"It'll be ok, I think I know who your talking about - you look a bit like him - I'll help you find him." He explained.

-Time Skip brought to you be TEM FLAKS-

Ink had you stay in Underswap(where they were on the surface) and right now you were helping Blueberry and Chara finish moving the rest of the boxes from the underground.
"Heh, n-no problem, Blue."
As much as you enjoyed their company, including Ink and the others who were helping you, you still didn't trust them much. You had looked up to Cross almost your entire life, so you often agreed with his opinions.
Just then a portal opened to reveal Ink and two others, Classic and Edge. You waved shyly to them. Classic did a half wave as he started glaring at Chara, forgetting this universe was swapped compared to his, and Edge sat there in awe of the sun behind him. Ink started talking to Blue as you looked over towards the city. Everyone had made plans that you'd be staying with Toriel, the queen, while they helped you look for Cross. Sometimes, however, you wished they would do the things they do for you. You felt too out of place.
Suddenly, a crack sound and crippling wave of pain struck you. You were vaguely aware of Ink and the others next to you. Your vision then went black.

You awoke on a bed, Ink and the rest all sitting around you. Sitting up, you tried to process what had happened.
You turned you head to see Ink looking worried.
"Are you ok? W-we checked your soul. It's cracked badly, what happened?" He asked, Blue and Chara looking worried as Edge and Classic sat a little ways away. But you could tell they all were worried.
Avoiding their gazes, you muttered, "I'm fine..."
Ink was about to say something before Classic leapt from his chair to grab you, predicting your movements when he saw the flash of (f/c) in your eyes. But he was a second too late when you teleported off.
(If you fav color is black, then your magic eye(s) have a white outline)
You ended up teleporting near the entrance to the town. Bolting away from it, you neared Mt. Ebbot. Maybe you could find something to heal you there?
You were stopped short however, when you felt a strong hand grab your arm.
You recognized that voice. You turned to see your brother staring wide eyed at you.
"S...s-sans?!" You muttered, tears falling into the black fur on your hoodie. You then threw your arms around him, starting to sob. Cross hugged back faster than a heartbeat.
"I'm so sorry...I should have looked for you..." he whispered. You whispered that it was ok.
"W-why are you in...?" You started to ask. Cross explained what exactly he was doing, and even introduced you to Nightmare, who had found you both. You nodded to the idea of him rebuilding the AU, believing it would work. Just then Ink and the others had found you. You grew scared as to what they would do as Cross gently pushed you behind him, his knife ready to attack. You gripped onto his cape as you heard them arguing. (Yes, it's a CAPE, not a scarf)
Cross glanced back at you, he'd do anything to protect you. Only then did Ink realize how young you were, you only came up to Cross' upper arm, almost up to his shoulder.
Nightmare and Cross looked back at you when you suddenly dropped to your knees. Nightmare kept guard as Cross checked your soul.
Your soul was cracking because of your wild emotions, yet luckily it wasn't going to kill you.
"It's ok, (y/n). Just try to stay calm." He whispered. You nodded before Cross told Nightmare he was going to put you somewhere safe.
"Hurry up. I don't know how long these fools think they be able size me up before I obliterate them."
Cross nodded before picking you up and running off. You could hear the sounds of distant fighting. Cross then set you down in between some rocks that were hidden pretty well.
"Don't come out until me or Nightmare tell you to." He whispered before placing a brotherly kiss to your forehead. You then curled into a ball to make yourself smaller as he left. The sounds of fighting got louder.
After a while Cross and Nightmare met up with you, snatching you up before dragging you through a portal as attacks were shot at you.
Since then, you've been helping Cross with his goal. Sure it got scary at times, but you grew more excited everyday to get your home back. You were glad to have your brother with you as well.

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