UF! Werewolf! Bros X Werewolf! Injured! Reader

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Me: I thought I'd share this with you, cause wolves. :P

Mistress: you are...just too kawaii sometimes...

Me: Hey Mistress?

Mistress: Hm?

Me: Who do you like more, Underfell Sans or Swapfell Sans?

Mistress: Swapfell Sans, why?


Mistress: ..............screw you


You woke up being surrounded by your brothers. You were the eldest, yet you acted like the youngest. Odd but true. You remember how you had a horrible dream last night, your brothers must've came in and calmed you down in your sleep. You yawned and stretched, your fur prickling a bit. Your had large fluffy ears and tail, and fur covered your paws up to your elbows and knees. Your fur was black/gray like your brothers, yet you had (f/c) faded tips on your ears and tail.

You eventually made your way out of the fur pile on your bed, and you descended down the stairs to get decide what to make for breakfast.

Your ear twitched when you heard footsteps coming downstairs. Grabbing the large plate of bacon you were making, you placed it where they would see it when they walked in. You glanced up to see Papyrus, his tail raised in dominance as always, and Sans, looking like he needed three cups of coffee, as he did every morning.

"Morning." You greeted softly, placing more bacon on the plate.

"What's with all the bacon?" Sans asked, grabbing a few slices.

"I'm in a meat mood." You said grinning. Your "meat mood's" are normally when you cook, you cook meat, meat, and more meat.

"Of course you are." Sans replied. After finishing the bacon, you started eating as Papyrus explained to you and Sans where you'd be keeping watch for humans today. You were given the lesser explored territory, since there have been rumors that there's a way to that area from the ruins besides the door.

Once you all had finished breakfast, (you may or may not have stuffed bacon into a zip-lock bag for the trip), you set out to the areas you were to patrol. You all split up when you reached the forest. Normally you walk around on two feet, but whenever you're near the forest or being chased, you resort to running on all four paws. It made you feel more wild and alive.

You dashed through the trees and inspected the wall separating the forest from the ruins, so far, you didn't see any ways in or out. You sniffed the ground every now and then, trying to pick up any scent. After a bit of searching, you found nothing, no scent, no footprints, no noises, nothing. You then turned and dashed to go report to Papyrus before coming back, when


Your high-pitched whimpers and yelps echoed through the forest as you looked down at your right foreleg, where pain grew quickly. You had stepped on a old rusty bear trap, and it was clamped down on your leg, close to snapping the bone underneath the fur. You whimpered and pushed on the piece that would open it, but it didn't do anything. You grew frustrated and was about to use your magic to open it when you heard a twig break. Your ears perked upward as you looked around, hoping it was one of your brothers. You growled when you saw two humans, about teenagers, come into view. They murmured something you couldn't hear, before the female smacked the male in the back of the head before starting to walk towards you. You growled more as she neared. Quickly, she pried the bear trap open and you yanked your leg free, still growling. You glanced down at your leg, licking the wound as it bled (f/c) magic a bit. When she tried to come closer, you stood on your hind legs and went to attack her with a red bone. Next thing you know, the male rushed forward and hit you in the side of the head with a large branch knocking you out.

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