Cat! Bros X Declawed! Reader

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Mistress: We're back!

Me: "By the way, there's a Spanish family in this, hope my translation is right, I used Google Translate..."

Mistress: "I'm sure it's fine, Ky."

*You receive the oneshot.


You mentally sighed as you watched your owners pamper the hell out of you. And by pamper, I mean make you look perfect.

"Oh sweet (y/n)~ You'll look absolutely divine in the family portrait!~"

You sighed in your head once more, putting on your best "I hate this" look. You were adopted away from your brothers, and this family decided to make you perfect.

They declawed you, kept you from shredding anything.

Those assholes.

You were torn from your thoughts when your owner picked you up and set you on a plush (least f/c) pillow, and then the family assorted themselves around you, making you sit front and center in the picture. The lady of the house took a moment to adjust your position, and you did your best to sit still.

Once the picture was taken, the family picked you up and sat you down on the floor, the wife and husband moving to the kitchen to make dinner. You overheard them talking about guests, looks like you'll have to be the prissy princess they expected you to be whenever guests were over.

All hell had broken loose.

One of the guests went to reach over to pet you, a small girl, and deciding to be nice, you let her. Apparently, the role of prissy princess didn't include allowing others to pet you.

Having been fed up with this lifestyle, you snarled at your owner when she got close, but inevitably flinched when she snatched you up by the scruff of your neck. Next thing you know, you're out in the pouring rain.

You shivered, but nonetheless left the lot, you'd never go back. You'd find your brothers, no matter the weather.

~Time Skip~

You were sopping wet, and it was starting to thunder. You've been looking for hours now, but no sign of your brothers. Despite it being a few years, you'd know when you found them, you just knew.

Sighing, you walked up to a porch and ducking under a bench that was there. You hunkered down, about to clean your fur when you heard a door opening, a voice following it.

"Cariño? What are you doing?"

"I saw something, madre."

You practically pressed yourself into the bench leg behind you, and you saw a girl's face come in view.

"Madre, madre! Come look!"

You cowered away from the voice, and you tried to slip past her to raced by out onto the streets.

"Oh, no, no, no, little one! I think you should stay awhile." A older feminine voice rang out, and you were scooped up in a pair of tan arms.

"Cariño, go get some towels please."

"Will do!"

The woman brought you inside, and soon you were wrapped up in a warm (f/c) towel.

You shook, gazing around you. The woman cooed softly at you, moving you to a spot in front of a fireplace.

"You sit here, I'll get you something to eat."

You watched her leave, and after a moment of watching the kitchen doorway, you turned and faced the fire, staying to warm up.

You're not sure when you dozed, but you jolted awake at the sound of a familiar name.

"Ack! Sans! Out from under my feet, you silly cat!"

You spun around to the kitchen. Sans was here?

"Paps, not you too! Get, get! This isn't for either of you!"

You sat up, wide awake now. Your brothers were... here?

You blinked, snapping out of your thoughts when two bowls were set in front of you. One had warm milk, the other had noodles.

"Hope you don't mind, we're out of cat food until the morning."

You watched her leave, before sniffing at the food.

You ate your full, but stayed where you were, you weren't too sure about moving around this place. You hadn't heard anything else about Sans or Papyrus. Could you have just dreamed it?

You yawned, laying your head down and closing your eyes. You opened them again when you felt a hand petting you, feeling a purr bubble in your chest.You felt them pick you up and literally hold you as if you were a human infant. You squirmed slightly at the position, but let the girl carry you wherever. Turns out it was the kitchen.

She set you down on the counter before pulling out a (f/c) ribbon.

"Can I put this on you? I wanna see how it looks!"

Seeing the girl was little, you went with it, holding still as she tied the ribbon loosely around your neck, finishing it with a bow. She tilted her head, grinning afterwards.

"Looks great! Stay there! I'm going to get my camera to get a picture of you three!"

'Three?' You wondered, but a voice broke you out of your thoughts.

"Hey, long time no see, huh?"

You spun around, seeing none other than your brothers.

"S... Sans? Papyrus?" You uttered in disbelief, "Y-you're here? T-this isn't some kind of cruel dream?" Sans' grin got wider.

"Nope, this isn't a dream, this is abso-paw-ly happening."


You giggled as Papyrus gave a bat to Sans' head with his paw, huffing in irritation.


You grinned.

"S'okay, Papyrus. Besides, I wouldn't be kitten if I said I'd missed them."


Sans and you enjoyed a bout of laughter as Papyrus seemed to be in an internal struggle. Let's just say you looked the happiest you've ever been in that photo.

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