UF! Dog! Bros X Puppy! Sister! Reader

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Me:  You wanted a long oneshot? Too bad, this one's short. At least its adorable~

*You receive your oneshot


You barked happily as you followed your brothers through the snow. Despite them not joining you in jumping around, you were happy nonetheless.

You saw your house up ahead, and letting out another happy bark, you ran forward towards it. You ended up a few feet ahead of your brothers, but ended up falling into a small snow pit. Before you had the chance to climb out, you felt Papyrus pick you up from the scruff of your neck and carry you the rest of the way home.

Your tail wagged rapidly when you went inside, and son your were placed on your favorite blanket. Before your brothers could walked away, you tugged on Papyrus' ears, successfully convincing him to lay down before you bounded after Sans, tugging on his tail until he too joined your cuddle pile.

Your tail wagged until you passed out.

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