Gaster Sans and Papyrus X Anxiety! Upset! Reader

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I tried a different method for the fur on the coat, let me know what you think! And now that I look at it, the part where the turtleneck ends for the sleeves is annoying me

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I tried a different method for the fur on the coat, let me know what you think! And now that I look at it, the part where the turtleneck ends for the sleeves is annoying me. UUUGH...


Btw pick people you don't like for your "friends"

You often hung out with your friends near the town square. You were the eldest of the skele-siblings of Snowdin, yet your brothers would do anything to make sure you were happy.
You often wore a dark yellow turtleneck without sleeves. Your jacket was similar to your brothers, yet it was more poofy and had more fluff. The jacket showed off your shoulders a bit, yet you didn't mind. You liked the more flirty look. The only time you ever wore your hood was at times of extreme stress or anxiety. You also wore black jeans and boots.
You had grown concerned of your friends for a while now. They acted different, and ignored you too. You were on your way to meet them again today, yet you half prepared yourself for more confusion and being ignored. You then got a text.

(F/n): "hey meet us near the woods, k? (2F/n) has something planned today."

You narrowed your eyes in suspicion, yet you replied before going over there. Maybe they were just having off days? Approaching the place you all had planned to meet up, you only saw (f/n).
"Where's (2f/n)?" You asked as you approached.
"He/she's coming." He/she replied.
"...You and (2f/n) have been ignoring me a lot something wrong?" You asked. (F/n) sat there for a few moments before you felt a sharp pain in your left shoulder. You dropped to your knees as they laughed.
"Wanna know what's happens to people who aren't popular and try to hang out with us? This is what happens (y/n)." (2f/n) said as they hit the left side of your back. You thought quickly and faked unconsciousness, hoping they'd leave. After a few moments, they bought it, murmuring to each other.
"I d-didn't h-hit her that hard...d-did I?" (2f/n) whispered.
"W-who cares! S-she probably won't remember when she wakes up anyways...l-let's go!" (F/n) replied before you heard them run off. You stayed there for a while, not really wanting to move now that you were still. But you knew you had to.
Slowly getting to your feet, you gingerly held your limp arm. Grimacing at the cracks, you pulled up your hood before trudging back home.

Luckily, Sans and Papyrus weren't home yet. You went to your room before huddling in the corner, your injured arm facing away from the door. You had never been hurt like that before. Each passing second, the pain grew worse, causing more anxiety.
After a few hours, you heard your brothers calling for you. After a minute, you heard one of them leave and another up the stairs.

Your head snapped up when Sans opened your door, your eyes getting a burning sensation as they glowed a panicked (f/c). The only other light in your dark room was coming from the open door.
(If black, your magic eyes have a white outline)
His eye glowed in worry as response. He started to come closer, making you more panicked.
"(Y/n) it's ok! What's wrong?" He asked softly. You couldn't respond as another wave of pain hit you, so strong even Sans could feel it. It worried him more. He quickly sent a calming vibe to you through your souls, it calmed you enough for him to reach you. He pulled you close and wrapped his arms around you.
Yet he touch your injured shoulder, causing another wave of pain.
"Who hurt you?" He growled, knowing you wouldn't be like this if you got hurt falling or something of the like. You hesitated before whispering
"(F/n) and (2f/n)..."
You felt Sans tense up. He started healing you through your jacket, holding you close. He had a hunch at what was going on. He followed you and your friends on UnderNet, and they had posted a picture and got a bunch of compliments on it. He figured they excluded you out of the group.
He looked down at your form, tears falling down your cheeks as you grew tired. Even though he was about your size and only a few months younger, you were still his older sister, and he hated seeing you upset or hurt.
"Don't worry, (y/n). Paps and me will take care of it. You just get some rest and relax." He whispered, checking your HP and seeing he healed everything.
You had already fallen asleep, a peaceful look on your face.

You glanced up to see Papyrus. His eyes glowed in worry. You quickly avoided his gaze, not realizing he got closer.
"What's wrong?" He asked. You gripped tighter on your jacket sleeve.
"N-nothin', I-I'm fine." You said quickly. You were shaking badly.
"You know (y/n), not telling us what's wrong makes us worry more." He pointed out, placing a gentle hand on your good shoulder. Either he knew you were hurt, or he already saw the cracks since his hand glowed with healing magic. You sighed, before leaning over and hugging him. As his magic healed you, he asked
"Who did this?"
You hesitated before answering.
"(F-f/n) and (2f/n)..." you muttered. You could feel him tense up as he started to rub your back.
"It's ok (y/n), Sans and me will take care of them..." he said as you fell asleep.

You were at Grillby's as Sans and Paps took care of (f/n) and (2f/n). It was late so you were pretty much the only one there. Well, you and Grillby.
You were munching on (f/f) as Grillby and you had light conversation.
"It's so peaceful when it's quiet here." You commented, glancing out the window.
"Yeah...I haven't seen Sans he alright?" Grillby asked.
"Yeah, him and Paps are out taking care of someone after they...uh...h-hurt me..." you grew quiet near the end.
"(F/n) and (2f/n)..."
"Well then, next time they come in I'm gonna ban them immediately."
You smiled.
"Heh...t-thanks Grillby..." you muttered.
"No problem (y/n)." He said, kissing you where your nose would be. He then took your empty plate and walked away to finish up dishes before closing up shop, leaving you with (f/c) all over your face.

Shut up I ship it

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