102 - The Field of Death - Part 2

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Lionel's Point Of View

We pull back instantly, ignoring anyone trying to chase us and merge into the shield formation behind us and get ready for the chaos about to come down like an avalanche.

The glacier begins to roar, like a never ending sound of thunder. It cannot carry its own weight, and begins to crack and pop as it begins to break apart at the base, threatening to crush everyone beneath it. The Headal soldiers run. The glacier might crush those underneath it, but it will also trap anyone stuck on this side with us. They'll have nowhere to retreat, and we will outnumber them drastically. It'll be their demise.

The area in front of us empties in an instant as we watch the glacier that slowly begins to drop... inch by inch. Then... with a jolt the glacier begins to drop. I can hardly hear the screams of the Headal soldiers as it comes down on them... but then stops...

The Celeste Knights reach the ground with the agility of felines and drown in the ranks of the enemy knights.


I perk up at the sound of my Father's voice. We begin moving forward and double check that our shield formation holds up.

"Enemy count is about five hundred!"

A report flies across the battlefield. Five hundred of them are stuck together with us. The most exhausted five hundred.

With the words a murderous tension spread through the ranks. Many of our men have helped holding this place for about a month. The casualties are beginning to pile up, and people are reaching their limit.

The idea of vengeance tastes too sweet. You can see it in their eyes, the anger and nigh glee at the enemy's situation.

The enemy soldiers turn around. Their path of flight taken away... when backed into a corner, they will fight for their lives with a destructive force you shouldn't mess with. Their eyes, momentarily fill with fear, and then the realization that the only path away is through us: the enemy.

The roar of the glacier falls silent, and the battle is about to turn to a slaughter.

They try to form a line against us, and as they do the sky flashes in bright explosions of magic. The Celeste Knights have placed themselves somewhere inside the mess of enemies. They're outnumbered four to one in there.

"Prepare to strike! We need to reach our allies before they're slaughtered!"

Father's voice bellows from the backline, and I glance to the men at my side. I have no intention of telling them that the crown prince's fiancé is in there.

We step in, and their front line quickly steps in to make sure they have enough room to form their formation as well. Without it they'll be dead.

"Preparing for offense!" I bellow out and take a deep breath. This may be ineffective, but we can hope there isn't enough earth mages among them to prevent it. Gathering the magic in my body for my Faerie, I focus on building the spell. The puzzle like construction takes but a moment, and lines up in my sight like an architecture to be blow off like the arrow on a bow.

The ground trembles for an instant before thick  walls of earth burst forth from our front line and at a low angle, bashing against the shields of the enemies that all glow with a shimmer and prevent it from going further. A ramp from one end of the pass to the other has been established. We approach with a height advantage, and for a moment I have a brief view of the Celeste army.

The Villainess Will Not Bring Dishonor To Her FamilyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang