51 - The Main Villainess - Part 2

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Here I was, in the midst of making two girls cower, and thus comes in the pure-hearted Heroine and sees this...

I didn't expect anything good of the situation either, for Bridgette would likely notice my discomfort with the Heroine in an instant.

Now, while she is indeed a bit of an airhead, the heroine isn't stupid. She can tell what is going on at a glance and sense the air in a room perfectly. However, in the book she was an avid believer in peace and in getting along, due to the nightmarish scene she experienced when she was small... and... a lack of education.

I suppose I needn't be worried, since her mother survived and she should have gotten plenty of education. Indeed... if I look at it that way, then things should be fine.

As expected, Claire's expression falls as she notices what is going on.


She decides to interfere despite the argument being between two people ranking higher than her... but then she hesitates.

"What is going on here?" William comes to her aid as my political opponent. Now, William isn't as easy to deal with as he once was. As long as it comes down plain retorting insults then I am fine, but... well... he needs to be good at these things or he wouldn't do as the son of the prime minister.

I turn towards William when an unexpected voice answers:

"William-sama. It is merely a pathetic display of insubordination of Miss Bryar, who attempted to degrade the dear Lady Lily in front us. Of course Lady Lily fended off her accusations beautifully. However, I sincerely hope that the other low nobles of this county know better manners."

I look back over my shoulder to the girl speaking up for me. I... admit to being taken a bit aback for being praised, but also that a foreigner was meddling with what was technically an internal dispute. No, I suppose it was a brilliant opportunity to make an indirect insult... but to do that while Gilbert is in the same class...

I glance back to William for his reaction, but he is as surprised as I am.

"I see..." He looks at me with narrowed eyes with that 'I will get you next time' sort of expression.

Don't look at me like that.

I didn't plan this.

I peer back up at the girl who had attracted a Gilbert. From the symbol on her uniform I know two things. One, she's the daughter of an earl, and she's from Crinia, a country across the ocean. Historically an enemy of Gilbert's fief. With that situation I'm amazed with her courage since Gilbert is near. I am pretty sure that they of all people know, that the Salender family uses a lot of poison.

"Now, where is your apology to Lady Lily?" The foreigner girl put immediate pressure on Bridgette, whom I had half forgotten about with the appearance of larger foes.

Bridgette's complexion has turned pallid. The reason why is clear. There is one thing the foreigner girl didn't mention, and that is that she was originally supporting Jesmaine. Jesmaine, however, appeared to have blended into the background with skill I didn't expect of a prince's fiance... and Gilbert... Gilbert who... had been in the room the entire time wasn't saying a thing either... nor did anyone else...

In other words.

None came to Bridgette's rescue.

What about her followers? They were both sheltered daughters of Barons. They probably thought they could rise in rank by staying near Bridgette... but... with how things were turning out... they had both taken a step away from Bridgette and were attempting to blend into the crowd as well.

The Villainess Will Not Bring Dishonor To Her FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now